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2009/07/23 14:45:00瀏覽189|回應0|推薦0 | |
一輾轉,一輒眠; 一轉眼,一飛旋。 No wonder . She recalled to torture. You're the only ones who obsess on that. They don't and the real people out in the real world don't for the most part.
剎那間, 痛突然萌起, 究竟是累!?抑或是淚!? 讓我 不曾好眠。
若當初不緊握生命, 不堅持到底, 稍有鬆弛, 或許, 早已不在人世間。
緊閉雙眼,試著感覺, 感受那活著的氣息, 只微見疲憊的心緩緩跳動, 鞭笞著那萬般無奈的長夜!
譜曲填詞,盡其在我; 對我而言,輕而易舉; 淡淡地哼著詞曲, 淚水竟不爭氣的流洩。
一輾轉,一輒眠; 一轉眼,一飛旋。 She recalled to torture. Suffered tortures from memory. She was obsessed by the fear. 低聲吟唱出這沉重的疲倦。 |
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