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2015/07/14 13:59:54瀏覽4|回應0|推薦0
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《中英對照讀新聞》Asians outperform white students because they try harder:study 研究:亞洲人表現比白人學生好,因為他們較用功

2014-06-05◎國際新聞中心Asian-American schoolchildren tend to outperform their white counterparts in school because they try harder, according to a US study out Monday.根據週一公佈的一項美國研究,亞裔美國學童在校表現往往比白人同儕好,因為他們比較用功。The findings were based on an analysis of records from two separate surveys tracking several thousand whites and Asians in the United States from kindergarten through high school. Scientists at Queens College of New York, the University of Michigan and Peking University in Beijing looked at test scores, teacher ratings, family income and education level, immigration status and other factors.這項發現是依據對兩份不同調查所做的分析,這兩份調查以美國數千名白人與亞裔為對象,從他們幼稚園開始,追蹤到中學。紐約皇后學院、密西根大學、北京大學科學家觀察測驗成績、教師評比、家庭收入與教育水準、移民身分等因素。"Asian-Americans enter school with no discernible academic advantage over whites," said the study, noting that "advantage grows over time." By fifth grade, or age 10-11, Asian-Americans "significantly outperform whites," and the peak difference is reached by grade 10, or age 15-16.研究說,「亞裔美國人入學時,學術優勢並沒有明顯優於白種同學」,但「隨著時間過去,優勢逐漸增加」。到了5年級,也就是10到11歲,亞裔學生「表現顯著優於白人同學」,到了10年級,也就是15到16歲,兩者差異來到高峰。Asian-Americans tend to be motivated by cultural teachings that instill the notion that effort is more important than inborn ability, researchers said.研究人員說,亞裔比較會受到努力比天賦重要的文化教誨鼓舞。新聞辭典discernible:形容詞,可識別的。例句:The influence of Rodin is discernible in the younger artist.(在這位較年輕的藝術家身上不難看出羅丹的影響。)instill:動詞,灌輸。例句:It is part of a teacher’s job to instil confidence into his or her students.(教師的部分職責是逐步培養學生信心。)inborn:形容詞,天賦的。例句:She seems to have an學習課程 toeic考試技巧 inborn talent for physics.(她似乎天生就有學物理的資質。)

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