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2013/09/07 20:05:33瀏覽223|回應0|推薦0 | |
園區工作日記/讓圍籬倒下Let the fence fall down
一位年輕的夥伴 , 因為參加的第一次園區工作假期給他很好的印象。使得他想要積極參與園區工作及管理規劃。 After joined the “Working Holiday” in our ECO garden, a young new partner is willing to participate the maintenance and help to manage affairs of the ECO garden because he had a very good time here.
他興高采烈地提出他的構想 , 希望利用這次颱風過後鋸下的樹幹做成圍籬 , 甚而蓋一個棚子之類 , 提供夥伴們來工作時的休憩所 , 甚而可以在裡面泡茶、煮食 , 相信如此一來一定更能聯絡彼此感情 , 凝聚大家的向心力 , 使更多人願意參與園區工作。 There are many trunks we cut from the trees destroyed by typhoon . He suggested that we can use these materials to make a shed. He is so convinced that our partners would like to stay together in the ECO garden more often since there’s a place for brewing tea and even cooking together. He supposed we might get more volunteers for this garden by this.
聽這構想 , 幾乎就可以想像夥伴們團聚 , 快樂的吃喝談笑的美麗畫面。 It seems to be a very good idea. You can picture the happy gathering and see how cheerful the partners will be while laughing and eating together in the shed.
我隔了兩個禮拜才寫這篇日記 , 是希望這樣的快樂盼望從他心裡褪色後 , 再 來潑他冷水 , 以免顯得太殘忍。 I didn’t answer him right away at that time. He was so enthusiastic and optimistic about building a new wonderland. It’s hard for me to throw cold water on him. After two weeks, hope his dream about the new place has been mitigated, and he will not be too depressed while reading this article.
在認養這個園區之後 , 我堅持的一個理念就是 : 不給園區帶來額外的負擔。 所以 , 我帶進園區的食物都是現成的 , 吃完一定連垃圾帶走 , 不留痕跡。這 個觀念來自我們步道社倡導的「無痕山林」準則。 There’s a very clear principle when I started to be a volunteer of this ECO garden. That is, we will never bring any extra burden to this field. Anything I bring in, I take it out, leaving no trace. This is the basic principle of our hiking club. It is the rule of “LNT.”
上次步道社6週年種樹活動後 , 因為大家接著要去和美山夜遊賞螢 , 沒時間 吃晚餐 , 不得已只好在園區煮義大利麵給大家吃。當時麵與醬是先煮好的 , 只在園區加熱。餐具都在家裡洗好 , 吃完又全部帶回家洗。在園區洗滌 , 甚 至使用清潔劑 , 一定都是非不得以才會做的事。 When we had an activity for the “千里步道” sixth anniversary, I had to set a dinner table in the ECO garden because we needed to eat before going to another place for watching lighting bugs. Remember how I cooked the pasta in advance and brought back all the dishes to my kitchen? Left no garbage in the garden “at all!” To do the dishes or use the detergent in the garden is the last thing I will do.
我更不想用圍籬去區隔我們認養的區塊。擁擠的都市 , 人們似乎只有把自己 與別人劃清界線才有安全感 , 於是有了門窗還不夠 , 還要用鐵窗把自己包 起來。因為寸土寸金 , 所以只要是屬於自己的地 , 一定要蓋圍牆保護起來 , 深怕他人覬覦占用。所以人與人之間就越來越疏離。難得有這麼一個角落 , 你的視野沒有交叉的網狀物 , 你不必擔心別人越界 , 套句廣告詞 , 這是一 種奢華的幸福。 Definitely I would not like to define our garden with fence. In the crowded cities, people feel safe only when they separate themselves from the others. So, besides the doors and windows, we protect ourselves by the extra trellised iron windows. The land costs so high in the city, so we have to put fence on our property for not to be occupied by others. The fear of losing one’s belongings makes the distance between people further and further. It’s so precious that there is a free small yard in such a busy city. Where there are no fences, no trellis, nothing between you and nature. There is no boundary. You don’t have to worry that people will cross the border. This is a kind of “Luxury happiness.’’
植物的角度來看也是一樣吧 !? 它們也希望自己的視野沒有障礙吧 ! 都市 叢林裡 , 人們築起一道道圍籬 , 在這自然園區裡 , 我希望大家可以卸下心防 , 讓這些圍籬倒下。 I think the plants feel the same way. They don’t want anything to block their view. In the city concrete jungle, people build up so many fences. So, I hope we can release our burden in mind, in this beautiful nature garden. Let the fence fall down.
雖則有形的圍籬並不能圈寓我們的心 , 所以似乎也不必在意。但是 , 希望在 沒有圍籬的園區裡 , 大家可以把視野放得更遠 , 讓心更放鬆。 Although our heart can be still free even if it was surrounded by the fence visible. It seems not necessary to be too serious about building fences or not. But, I am thinking that in the field without any fences, we can see farther, our heart will be more relaxed.
這次颱風過後 , 香草區旁的大構樹下形成一小塊空地 , 於是我把家裡淘汰的 花園桌椅搬到園區這個角落 , 因為這組桌椅是金屬鏤空材質 ,下次颱風來 , 只要把它綁在樹上 , 不容易被水沖走 , 對園區或行水沒有影響。將來有人 走過 , 也許就會坐下來 , 聞一聞香草園區飄來的薰香。 After this typhoon, a cleaned space under the big tree near the herb garden was shaped. I brought a coffee table and two chairs from my house. They are made of cast iron. I can tie them on the tree next time when typhoon comes. It will not influence the river passing or cause damage of the garden.
夥伴們有空來園區走走時 , 可以帶一本書 , 或只是坐下來 , 抬頭可以遠眺 環河高架 , 請感覺幸福 , 因為你坐在樹下享受香氛 , 聽著樹上掛的小風鈴 傳來風的低語 , 高架橋上絡繹不絕的卻是庸庸碌碌的忙人。回過頭可以看到 腳踏車道上健走與騎腳踏車的人。坐在綠意環抱的樹下 , 你離城市和人群 , 很遠 , 也很近。 When you, my partners, come to take a walk in the garden from time to time, you can bring yourselves a book, or just sit on the chair, look at the highway far from this corner. Please must understand How blessed you are at that moment because you are sitting under the tree to enjoy the aroma breeze from the herb garden, listening the sound clean and melodious produced by the wind chime. The people on the bridge are so busy and mediocre, not free from the routines. When you take a look at the biking route behind you, you can see people biking and walking. Under the big tree and surrounded by the green field, you are very far from the people, also very close to.
這樣的角落 , 沒有圍籬 , 卻是最有安全感 , 又可以享受獨處的角落。 經營 香草園區 , 我不會努力餵飽你的口腹 , 但希望充實你的心靈。 Such a corner, without fences, but you will feel so safe and enjoy yourself alone. To manage this herb garden, instead of going to produce the foods for your appetite, I will try my best to enrich your soul.
沒有有形的圍籬 , 也希望你來香草園區時也能拆掉心中的圍籬 , 讓花香飄進 你的心靈深處。 There is no visible fence here, hope you can break down the fence in your heart at the same time. Let the fragrance of the herbs wafts into your soul. |
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