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Tour Guide Carnival for City Bank / 1 of 2
2015/01/29 16:39:15瀏覽278|回應3|推薦0

On Jan. 29th, 2015, City Bank's people came to Beitou.

They were divided into four groups. ETGBC took care of two groups of people.

Our tour guides are as follows for two group:

1. Jenny Chou (with Henry as assistant).

2. Heaven (with Jenny and Olga as assistants).

( 知識學習其他 )
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2015/01/31 20:13
The image of swan on the hot spring pool during the sunset now only reserved at heaven, as Heaven explained.
Should customers know the place is under her control, they will be surprised.(likochia7@gmail.com)

2015/01/31 04:22

Thank Tom accompanied us and recorded this tour guide carnival.

The participated members are City Bank officers, young and beautiful people.

They listened landscape explantion while had been working. Did two things at the same time. Incredible!

In additon, Henry was wonferful by introducing Beitou library. He is my best partner.

2015/01/30 15:47

The long term continuous efforts by Jenny Chou- as combining her knowledge on plants, commercials by movie star,  Taiwanese films with Beitou as the background, etc. caused the mutual interaction among customers and her constructive and successful. I am pleased to be her assistant and have learned a lot from her during the touring process of this time.
