Regarding sensory verb, we can refer to following article
exerpted from internet:
Sensory Verb usually includes:
see, watch, look at, hear , listen to, feel, smell, notice.......
感官V+O+V(原形動詞):narrating a complete action or a fact.
例:I saw them climb up the mountains.(我看見他們爬山)
感官V+O+Ving(現在分詞):describing a going on action.
例:I saw them climbing up the mountains. (我看見他們正在爬山)
例:I saw him hit by a car. (我看見他被車撞到)
感官本身為被動式+ to V
例:He was seen to steal her purse in classroom.
Example: see, hear, smell, notice
Wrong: I am seeing him going across the bridge.
Right: I see him going across the bridge.