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2014/07/31 02:21


Wistleblower hero, Edward Snowden

BinH(waysfu) 於 2014/07/31 02:22 回覆:

2013/06/11 08:55

NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden: 'I don't want to live in a society that does these sort of things'

BinH(waysfu) 於 2013/06/11 09:04 回覆:

Q: What about the Obama administration's protests about hacking by China?

A: "We hack everyone everywhere. We like to make a distinction between us and the others. But we are in almost every country in the world. We are not at war with these countries."

Q: Is it possible to put security in place to protect against state surveillance?

A: "You are not even aware of what is possible. The extent of their capabilities is horrifying. We can plant bugs in machines. Once you go on the network, I can identify your machine. You will never be safe whatever protections you put in place."

BinH(waysfu) 於 2013/06/11 08:55 回覆:

Over the next three years, he learned just how all-consuming the NSA's surveillance activities were, claiming "they are intent on making every conversation and every form of behaviour in the world known to them".


But he believed that the value of the internet, along with basic privacy, is being rapidly destroyed by ubiquitous surveillance. "I don't see myself as a hero," he said, "because what I'm doing is self-interested: I don't want to live in a world where there's no privacy and therefore no room for intellectual exploration and creativity."


BinH(waysfu) 於 2013/06/14 04:16 回覆:

2013/05/17 19:25



【銀河新夢】最新文章:愛之奴 (Quel gran pezzo della Ubalda tutta nuda e tutta calda, 1972)

2013/02/08 19:01

BinH(waysfu) 於 2013/04/03 10:10 回覆:




2013/01/25 13:15

Hi, BI:

Got it, thanks!!!

Wang Xiao Xiao 01.25.2013.

2013/01/21 13:14

Hi, BIndigo:

你好啊, 最近我會在2月8日去戲院看安.海瑟威主演的"悲慘世界", 我覺得這部片子應該會蠻好看的.  當我小時候在看這個小說的時候, 我就很喜歡它了, 它又名叫"孤星淚".  電影是以類似歌劇的形式呈現, 安.海瑟威還因此片得到金球獎最佳女配角喔.

跟你分享我看電影的一些小事, 希望你有空可以到我的女神城市逛逛,


裏面的內容大部份以電影為走向, 都是介紹我看過而且喜歡的片子喔~

Enjoy ~

Wang Xiao Xiao 2013.01.21.

BinH(waysfu) 於 2013/01/25 09:28 回覆:
Hey, 小小汪汪 or 小汪汪,你好,


總之,從台北城市人獲知最新嚎萊嗚資訊,也是挺新鮮的一件事。 歡迎來訪。

2013/01/12 08:28

不管像印度、河洛、中國、古埃及。。,似乎都以諸身對應諸物,直觀天地萬物,進而發展出的社會制度、藝術、醫藥、農業、兵法。。等等,與西方以數理為基礎發展出的工具文明,南轅北轍,極難互容。這場歷史戰爭,不斷延焼至今,人文vs科技、東方vs西方、野蠻vs文明、感性vs理性,nature vs. nurture。。等等;卻也是數千年人腦與自然互動而演化出的謎。

雖然西方這種以鬥爭征服、工具理性為中心的文明,根本上將萬物生存環境,帶上毀滅之路。不過,以我有限的經驗來看,它其實相當成功地先毀滅了除了西方之外的各處自然環境,更惡性循環地毀滅了東方人或各古文明人的創造力,我始終相信人的靈性與創造力,是在純淨的遼闊自然中萌發的(其他文明只能從古籍中去尋找、冥想)。。另一方面,西方這種理性實證的精神,百年累積,是遠在其他文明之上的。。譬如,才發現的幾本著作,吸引我的注意。。"DNA USA","The 10,000 Year Explosion: How Civilization Accelerated Human Evolution"等等結合最新生物、化學、考古、物理儀器等知識,不斷將人對自身與環境的瞭解推向最後的實際真實,是遠超過我的想像,好像也不是東方、人文、感性或歷史傳說文明,可以企及的。 其他文明似乎也無能或無興趣去理解。(道德基因的說法必須再想想,有空再來留言)

河洛與漢 - 見龍在田
BinH(waysfu) 於 2013/03/19 22:54 回覆:

從 "How the Earth Changed History" 影集, 提及水對古埃及文明的根本影響,從Nile上游沖刷下來的Fertile Silt,不只決定了農業、技術、經濟社會結構。。等等,在豐富的物質條件下,恐怕才是Pharaoh階 層....why they created such an enormous deep thoughts in philosophy, religion, art, architecture.... Besides, probably huge amount of slaves(labors) on the bottom of pyramid work day and night in the field of agriculture, building.... So,古埃及的精神層面並不是空中樓閣,而是建立在紮實的物資基礎和廣大的基層群眾之上的吧。

more to say later。。。。

BinH(waysfu) 於 2013/01/18 09:53 回覆:


我的語言是非常不精確的。說這話其實是針對“河洛與漢” “河洛人”文裡,不少“可能的”、“或是”等等 假使句 而言的

想像從most advanced gene technology,也許能找到更確定的蛛絲馬跡證據。However, I am not DNA genealogy expert too, can not said too much about these field. But nobody can deny how powerful the modern genetic engineering have been discovering and applying in many many fields (I remember, DNA of some extinct animals are found in fossil, and can be traced back to bodily characteresitcs, even recreate the whole animal). I do not like "DNA USA" that much after reading it, but mainly because feel that scientist is not a good write. Subject impression only.

What if the ancient animal can be recreated in the laboratory, supposed the mental/psycholoical state can be studied in real sense for sure. Then, why that techonology can not applied to whole hominid family?

BinH(waysfu) 於 2013/01/18 08:14 回覆:


例如花費以億計美元的CERN project。 洛大是讀mechanic engineering 和 energy science,應該對各科學領域 Theory & experiment & simulation,不會感到陌生。當然 in general 那歸納為物質層次,但量子物理有沒有觸及到精神層次,又觸及到多深, 就很難講。像我這麼敏感的人, 常常感受到背後他人甚至動物的眼光, Uncertainty Principle 是可以解釋的。所以,這應是個打獵的優點之一。

But I really know very very little about Quantum Physics. It is just a small
 example above.
BinH(waysfu) 於 2013/01/18 08:43 回覆:

thought (1)just a small example。。繼續延伸,不通過語言,人的思想、精神狀態也是有巨大傳染力的。who said 那和量子理論無關?

而精神進化, 能脫離土地,單獨存在嗎?


(The sky-centered religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam considered hunter-gatherers to be superstitious infidels and lost souls - why talking to a mountain seems any more superstitious than talking to an invisible God in heaven has never made sense to me..... by Ted Kerosote in chapter LOGGING of Heart of Home.... for thousands upon thousands of years, other hunter-gatherers saw the plant and mineral kingdoms, not just the animal kingdom, as infused with spirit and consciousness. they asked the ash to allow itself to be made into bow; they inquired of the mountain if it would allow them passage.)

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