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2011/03/04 09:04:20瀏覽1685|回應0|推薦9 | |||
生吃番茄會中毒? 這是危言聳聽的網路謠言! 以偽科學騙人是很容易的,只要拋出幾個科學名詞,在略微歪曲一點資料,那就可以把人唬得一愣一愣。 就算是含有龍葵堿毒(Solanine)的的原來並非番茄,而是番茄的葉子和莖( stems and leaves, ),謠言作者講講未經證實的故事。就是讓人覺得像真的一樣。 而且,按照紐約時報的專文,連這個番茄葉含毒素也是有爭議性的。 所以,沙律裏面有番茄不必害怕,只有不隨便聽信“喝生榨馬鈴薯汁來治癌”這種偏方,就已經足夠了。 《網路盛傳》生吃番茄致命? 胡扯!
有網友引用某英國臨床醫學博士說法,指生番茄跟發芽馬鈴薯一樣,含龍葵鹼毒素,會累積在體內致慢性中毒;還說澳洲有農場員工常吃剩餘番茄,造成十多人暴斃,內容聳動。 劉廷英說,每種植物都有生物鹼,迄今沒有學術證明番茄的生物鹼會致命。 東元醫院營養師謝桂菁說,番茄和馬鈴薯屬茄科植物,未成熟或發芽的馬鈴薯含生物鹼,的確會導致中毒,但番茄生物鹼毒性較馬鈴薯低,人體可有效排除。 她說,番茄營養價值高,生吃、熟吃對身體都有益處,生吃保留較多維生素C,但少許油烹煮後,可大幅提高茄紅素的吸收率,「最好生吃、熟吃搭配」,才能充分吸收番茄的營養素。另有傳言指吃「未成熟」番茄也會中毒,台灣大學微生物與生化所所長潘子明說,未成熟的水果都含有生物鹼,「吃了會拉肚子或中毒」的說法,沒有根據。 【2008-12-07/聯合報】 番茄具腐蝕性別多吃? 營養師:這太誇張(2010/01/23 00:46)生活中心/綜合報導 When tomatos first became known, everyone thought they were toxic. It was the lower classes that ate and enjoyed them (and probably chuckled at their well healed friends). The confusion came about because the tomato plant is a relative of the nightshade, also referred to a deadly nightshade, a favorite of poisoners in the middle ages, and right up to the 1900's. Nightshade contains belladonna, which is toxic, but in small amounts, has some medicinal uses. The tomato fruit is not toxic, and tomatine , which is contained in the stems and leaves, is not exceptionally toxic, only being dangerous when refined into it's pure form, tomatin Tomatoes are a member of the nightshade family, and the leaves and stems are quite poisonous. If you rub a tomato leaf between your fingers, the sharp, "bitter" odor you smell is the poisonous alkaloids it produces. Potatoes, peppers, and other well-known plants also produce these; one of the best-known is belladonna, which is a source of atropine. Of course, the fruit is completely harmless. In that way, animals are discouraged from eating the PLANT (so it survives), but can safely eat the fruit, which contains seeds. Animals excrete the seeds and thus spread them, so that also benefits the survival of the species. KK |
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