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【手札】Wind Flowers
2008/01/25 18:07:29瀏覽337|回應0|推薦4


Windflowers, my father told me not to go near them
He said he feared them always
And he told me that they carried him away
Windflowers, Beautiful Windflowers
I couldn'twait to touch them
To smell them I held them closely
And now I canot break away
Their sweet bouquet disappears
Like the vapor in the desert
So, take a warining, son
Windflowers, Ancient windflowers
Their beauty captures every young dreamer who lingers near them
But ancient windflowers, I love you

Windflowers, my father told me not to go near them
He feared them always, said they carried him away
Windflowers, I couldn't wait to touch them
To smell them, I hold them closely
Now, I cannot break away

Their sweet bouquet disappears
Like the vapor in the desert
Take a warning, son
Windflower. Their beauty captures every young dreamer who lingers near them But ancient windflowers, I love you

風之花  中文歌譯:齊豫

風之花 父親曾一再告誡 別靠近它們
他說 他一向害怕他它們
他告訴我 曾為他們迷失自我
風之花 (美麗的風之花)
為了一親芳澤 我擁花入懷
 如今 我也深陷其中
它甜美的香氣 如沙漠裡的一般 易於消散
小心啊 孩子
它的美擄掠每一個顆流連忘返 年輕愛作夢的心
然而古老的風之花啊 我愛你

風之花,是我第一首會唱的英文歌,一首我不知道演唱者, 卻令我感動多年的歌曲,那時候,在朋友的PUB裡,第一次 點了這首歌,心中依然是悸動。這些日子以來,對於目前的 工作萌生去意,心中真的有些累了,但也在文字的方格與音 樂的旋律中覺得安適。擇我所愛,愛我所擇,這樣的態度也 讓我度過了一個又一個的關卡。過往的傷痛,遺憾都已經漸 漸地隨風而去,此刻的心情,是平靜而滿足。 (2000.05.21)

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