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林口中秋烤肉食材 年菜2017食譜怎麼簡單吃年菜 林口中秋烤肉食材
2017/01/16 04:43:40瀏覽12|回應0|推薦0




面對假日人潮高峰,預計將有陳妍希、辜莞允等知名藝人到場拼人氣,台灣索尼娛樂還將祭出重台中 烤肉食材量級製作人小島秀夫、小野義德向玩家公佈遊戲新訊息,各大廠商比卡司、拼人氣,《人中之龍》請來AV女優站台,各個都是底片殺手,台下閃光燈閃個不停,熱鬧非凡。


《ETtoday東森新聞雲》(攤位號碼A114)也將請到林采緹到舞台來與玩家見面,下午4:00歡迎雲友們來攤位一起同樂。現場還有正妹SG放送好康贈品,更棒的是~無法到展場參觀的雲友仍有好康可拿,東森新聞雲為回饋雲友,不管有沒有到會場,只要下載東森新聞雲APP並登入填寫抽獎資料,即可每天抽Sony Xperia Z3手機,只有在電玩展期間(1/28-2/1),還剩兩天請大家號火鍋吃到飽觀音召親朋好友一起來參加。【詳細辦法請看這裡】

▲《ETtoday 東森新聞雲》每天送一支 Xperia Z3 的抽獎活動。(圖/記者洪聖壹攝)

火鍋推薦 桃園

▲《ETtoday東森新聞雲》 Xperia Z3 頒屏東 火鍋吃到飽獎暨抽獎活動。(影片/《ETtoday東森新聞雲》影音部攝)


▲台北國際電玩展阿諾熱血開唱。(影片/《ETtoday 東森新聞雲》影音部攝)

▲阿諾邀請大家到《東森遊戲雲》位來玩唷!(影片/《ETtoday 東森新聞雲》影音部攝)


CONFLICT OF INTEREST? One of the members of a committee investigating the NTU president is said to be a coauthor; another is a college dean he appointedBy Sean Lin / Staff reporterAcademics yesterday questioned the integrity of a committee tasked with investigating allegations National Taiwan University (NTU) president Yang Pan-chyr (楊泮池) was involved in cowriting forged scientific papers.Quoting NTU secretary-general Lin Ta-te (林達德), who said the five-member investigation committee includes two faculty members at the university, attorney Hsu Wen-hua (許文華) said that the two members are likely to be College of Life Sciences dean Min Ming-yuan (閔明源) and College of Medicine dean Chang Shan-chwen (張上淳).“Assuming I am right, these two men are not suited to serve on the committee,” Hsu said, citing an NTU rule governing cases involving suspected breach of academic ethics, which states the selection of investigation committee members should not constitute a conflict of interest.Chang and Yang cowrote five scientific papers between 2003 and 2006, for which Chang was either listed as the first author or corresponding author, while Yang was listed as the corresponding author on some accounts, he said.Min was appointed acting dean by Yang when NTU professor Kuo Min-liang (郭明良) — with whom Yang coauthored four problematic articles that are now being investigated by the committee — assumed the post of Kaohsiung Medical University vice president, Hsu said.Yang later chose Min over another university professor to fill the post of College of Life Sciences dean, Hsu said.Hsu also raised doubts about why Yang was able to tell the media the constitution of the committee, which included two NTU faculty members and three Academia Sinica members, saying that Yang could have rigged the appointment of committee members.NTU should have sent the papers in question to the journals that published them for verification, and at least one other established and objective third-party academic for review to ensure the investigation’s credibility, he said.Saying that Kuo retracted his paper from the Journal of Biological Chemistry last month after the academic fraud scandal erupted, NTU professor of psychology Huang Kwang-kuo (黃光國) accused Kuo of lying when he said he was innocent at a news conference on Dec. 20.Kuo filed a request to pull the paper, which was found by the journal to contain forged results shown in six duplicated images, on Dec. 7, and on Dec. 30, the journal issued a statement that it had been retracted, Huang said.Huang asked why Kuo had not repaid Yen Men-luh (嚴孟祿), a physician at National Taiwan University Hospital’s Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, NT$6.73 million (US$208,617) Yen claimed to have lent Kuo between 2002 and 2014 to help Kuo pay a mortgage, referencing another academic scandal that broke last month, in which Kuo allegedly took the money in exchange for Yen to be listed as coauthor on 11 papers by his research team.He also called into question why Kuo had never mentioned the debt during his tenure as a then-National Science Council (now Ministry of Science and Technology) official, even though he was required by law to declare his personal wealth.Liu Yuan-chun (劉源俊), president of the Chinese-language Science Monthly, said that the academia puts too much emphasis on the number of citations an academic receives when promoting professors, which has tempted many professors to use their connections for them to be listed as coauthors or forge research findings to boost the number of their publications.In response, the university reiterated that the committee is run in an objective manner.The two colleges have met several times to review the papers, and the investigation results are to be submitted to an evaluation committee and an ad hoc committee for review on Friday next week, it said.The evaluation committee will be headed by NTU vice president Chang Ching-ray (張慶瑞) and will operate independently, it said.新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES

(中央社記者王承中台北5日電)前立法院長王金平今天針對國民黨地方黨部主委直選表示,有什麼好說明的?該為黨的改造,對就是對,根本不必再浪費時間,應早日讓主委直選產生,相信對國民黨是好的。 國民黨在去年第19次全代會中決議,將地方黨部主委由指派改為直選。媒體報導,國民黨中央在昨天中常會規劃地方黨部主委直選的改革方案,今天啟動黨代表說明會,待彙整意見後推出。 對此,王金平今天在立法院出席國民黨團大會前受訪時說,「應該不必再辦什麼說明會,這有什麼好說明的?」他表示,該為黨的改造,對就是對,要向誰說明呢?向社會說明嗎? 王金平指出,現在黨員也知道黨部要進行主委直選,通知一發出去,要選的人自然會去召開自己的說明會爭取支持,根本不必再浪費時間,應該早日能夠讓主委直選產生,相信對國民黨是好的。 國民黨立法院黨團總召廖國棟則說,由於時程緊湊,黨中央對於今年執行黨部主委直選,幾乎只是宣示而已,應該是做不到。若要在5月20日黨主席改選實施,相關程序要在20日前定案,現在沒剩幾天,不可能做到,今年是否能完成,要看黨中央有沒有決心。1060105
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