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2015/08/03 07:42:28瀏覽237|回應0|推薦1


Aside from money, nothing is more integral to a political campaign than lies. Campaigns lie about the other campaigns; they lie about their own positions, too. They lie about the consequences of the legislation and policies they propose. They lie in their speeches, they lie in their campaign literature, and they lie on TV, radio, on billboards, and over the Internet. Lies, integral as they are to campaigns, can’t be exterminated unless you snuff the campaigns themselves.


In this profession of leading men’s minds, this is the reason I feel it must be in the hands of the most ethical, principled people—people with real concern for the world around them, for people around them—or else it will erode into the hands of people who have no regard for the world around them. It could be a very, very destructive thing.


Why politicians lie and why we want to believe them


空心菜的謊言與雙面-課綱    全文

真的很可恥。 說了無止境的謊言。 說明了蔡英文的「維持現狀」,只是騙票的謊話。 民進黨先是對孩子訴說了許多關於課綱的謊言,然後支持、鼓勵未成年人上街頭抗議。教育部一再說明,一再退讓,同意新舊課綱並存。同意爭議的部分不考。 反課綱微調者在教育部安營紮寨,日夜抗議,有誰去告?沒有。 是在爬牆,闖入,最後進了部長室之後,毀損了公物之後,才提告的。 教育部長對是闖入者提告,不是對「抗議者」提告。 是對「侵入公署」和「毀損公物」提告。 吳思華必須提告,不得不提告。 否則對不起他的職位, 對不起全國學生。 因為必須告訴學生,是與非,對與錯。 否則任何人都可以以「抗議」作為理由入侵公署, 毀損公物。 民進黨鼓動最激烈蠻橫不講理的野蠻行為,然後居然要求不得提告。


學生疑輕生 蔡英文煽動悲劇發生

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