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2019/08/19 02:53:36瀏覽315|回應0|推薦3


在The Great Hack的這篇令人震驚的片段中,我們聽到了在特立尼達和多巴哥設計並成功部署的Cambridge Analytica活動,以改變青年投票並最終影響選舉結果。最後,我們會聽到有關活動活躍的其他國家以及參與英國退歐的建議。

他們拿走了你的數據。然後他們接管了。 Great Hack通過引人注目的劍橋分析/ Facebook數據醜聞的不同方面的玩家個人旅程揭示了黑暗的數據利用世界。現在流媒體。

In this shocking clip from The Great Hack, we hear about the Cambridge Analytica campaign that was devised and successfully deployed in Trinidad and Tobago to alter the youth vote and ultimately influence an election result. Towards the end, we hear about other countries where campaigns are active, as well as a suggestion of involvement in Brexit.

They took your data. Then they took control. The Great Hack uncovers the dark world of data exploitation through the compelling personal journeys of players on different sides of the explosive Cambridge Analytica/Facebook data scandal. Now streaming.

港毒 台毒 抄習手法 斷章取義 跨大造謠 抹黑 混水摸魚 從中得利


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