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2024/09/11 19:35:23瀏覽37|回應0|推薦0 | |
According to the Labor Insurance Act and Labor Occupational Accident Insurance and Protection Act, employers must insure employees from their first day of work.
In order to protect the rights and interests of foreign employees, the insuring unit must pay attention to the following matters when insuring foreign employees
Details for filling out the national ID number (ARC or passport number):
Fill in with the ARC number if the foreign employee has an existing ARC; if they have not yet received an ARC, they must use their passport number.
Work permit documents:
Only foreign nationals who are legally employed in Taiwan are eligible to participate in labor and occupational accident insurance. When insuring foreign employees, a photocopy of their work permit issued by the central competent agency or competent agency of their industry must be provided.
If the foreign employee is unable to prepare their work permit document on their first day of work, an additional insurance form must be filled out on their first day of work. Do not delay insurance applications due to incomplete documents; if the insuring unit does not apply for employee insurance in accordance with regulations, they will be subject to fines as well as compensation to foreign employees for their incurred damages.
Detailed information: Required insurance documents for all types of foreign employees https://www.bli.gov.tw/0007747.html
我要做什麼工作才能加入桃園市百貨食品銷售員職業工會??? 早餐店,桃園工會,桃園公會,夜市,早市,黃昏市場擺攤工作皆可加入本會~加保勞保、健保、團保、並享有會員福利!! 桃園工會推薦,中壢工會推薦,平鎮工會推薦,八德工會推薦,優良工會,桃園市績優工會 凡從事以下相關工作~皆可加入本工會: 百 貨(布、衣服、服飾、成衣、鞋類、皮包、髮飾、圍巾、寢具、家具、手工藝品、手工皂、精油香皂、裝飾品、日常用品、五金、寵物用品、油漆、油料、染料、肥料、祭祀用品、清潔用品、彩妝品、衛浴設備、書籍、文具用品、 娛樂用品、各種建材、機械器具、電信器材、建材、磁磚、玻璃 、汽機車零件、輪胎、汽車用品、鐘錶、眼鏡、首飾、珠寶、加工品、 資訊軟體、手機、電腦、電子材料等) 食 品(麵食、小吃、點心、手工、手工泡菜、糕餅類、各式食品 、保健食品、雞排、章魚燒、燒烤、魯味、炸的、 西式點心、中式點心、水餃、麵線、蚵仔煎、臭豆腐、 蛋餅、水煎包、糖果、甜點、蔥油餅等等各類零食餐飲 的小吃、攤販、小販、攤商) 雜 貨(食品、飲料、油、鹽、糖、味精、醬油、罐頭、餅乾、飲料、麵條、麵包、、豆腐、咖啡、乾果類、茶類、熟食、調味料、醃製食品、特產等等) 菸 酒(菸、酒、酒促小姐等等) 農作物(菜苗、種苗、農作物栽培等) 農產品(蔬菜、水果、花卉、檳榔等等) 畜產品(雞、鴨、鵝、豬、牛、羊等等) 水產品(各類水產類、如藻類、海帶、貝類、花枝等等) 如果您的親朋好友從事本會相關工作,歡迎他們一起加入會員 ,並可參加勞保及健保。還沒加勞保、不知該去哪裡加勞保、 勞保曾中斷的勞工、想加勞保、歡迎來本會洽詢!! 本會擁有專業的律師顧問團隊,以維護會員的各項權利,經驗豐富,專業有效率。 免費諮詢項目:勞健保加保、勞健諮詢、勞保各項給付權益、勞資爭議、車禍權益、優惠團體保險及各項法律諮詢.. 歡迎加入本工會讓您生活有保障,退休沒煩惱 ※慎選工會很重要,不要再輕忽保錯工會的嚴重性了※ 電話:03-4925588 傳真:03-4014889 會址:桃園市平鎮區文化街23巷6號 |
( 時事評論|公共議題 ) |