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2012/03/20 15:39:57瀏覽399|回應0|推薦0
1. 貨品將由Fedex直接送達指定地點給您。
Goods will be directly sent to the destination as instructed by Fedex.
2. 您不用親自到機場做通關的手續,已委託Fedex報關。
You don't have to finish any procedure of customs clearance and it has been commissioned to Fedex. 
3. 檢疫資料將與貨品一起送達給您。
Quarantine information, together with goods, will be sent to you.
The packing boxes shall be returned to Taiwan. Upon the arrival of goods, the packing list of Fedex will be also attached.  After usage, just send it back and freight have been paid in full.  

A three-zone screw evenly divided into feed, compression, and metering zones is preferred. A higher percentage of feed flights may be needed for smaller machines: 1/2 feed, 1/4 compression, 1/4 metering.

Vectra LCP are shear thinning, their melt viscosity decreases quickly as shear rate increases.  For parts that are difficult to fill, the molder can increase the injection velocity to improve melt flow.
Vectra LCP剪薄,隨著剪切速率的增加而快速降低其速度。關於難以充填的部位,成型機需加快射出速度而藉此改善熔體的流動性。
( 知識學習語言 )
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