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Have Faith in Others
2008/11/20 15:48:02瀏覽1123|回應0|推薦1

Have Faith in Others

Faith Baldwin

        Belief is a happier state of mind than doubt and

suspicion. By this I live, for if I don't have faith in others,

who will believe in me? I would rather believe in a thousand

people, friends and strangers, and have 999 fail me than not

believe. If many fail me, I remember how many I failed.

        This is not to say that the blind belief of sentimentality,

the so-called "tolerance" of the dishonest and vicious, is sensible

or rewarding. There are some dark corners which do not react

to sweetness and light. Belief in people should be accomplished

with open eyes and clarity of judgment. But when your judgment

proves bad rather than good, it's no reason to walk thereafter with

suspicion as a companion.

        None knows another's heart, his grief, his struggle, his despair

and motivation. Not all our greese become swans, but one swan

atones for many flocks of geese. All men share pain and mortality;

some bear these better than others. And multitudes have perished

spiritually for the lack of another's belief in them.

        So, I would rather be disappointed than afraid of disappointment.


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