[C50-38 Changes 改變 ( 英文歌-含視頻 )
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Changes Olivia Newton John
We said a million times we'd change Can't bring myself to say those words again A piper never changes tune You can't grow apples on the moon
The hurtful things we say still penetrate And whispered sorry always come too late Then the damage has been done What are we going to tell our son?
I want to spare his broken heart Break it gently that we'll live apart Don't know the proper words to say He won't be seeing daddy every day
Those weekly outings never work, you know Buying gifts and candy, picture shows They can't replace the man around Your voice, your touch, your manly sound
I guess the trouble is I love you still And if it comes to that, I always will No, please don't cry, it's just too late Now hurry on, she's waiting at the gate | 改變 奧莉薇亞紐頓強
我們說過千萬次情況會有所改變 這種話我已無心再多說 吹笛手改變不了曲調 月球上種不出蘋果(一切都是緣木求魚)
互傷的話語仍然繼續發酵 輕聲道歉總是來得太遲 傷害已經造成 我們該怎麼跟兒子說?
我想修補他破碎的心 分居事實終會漸漸啃噬他 我找不出適當措詞告訴他 以後不會天天見到爸爸
知道嗎,每週小聚根本於事無補 買禮物、糖果、看電影 無從取代一家之主的相伴 你的聲音,你的撫摸、你男性化的聲響
我想麻煩的是我還愛著你 如果重新來過,我還是不變 不,別哭了,一切已經太遲 快走吧,她在門口等你呢 |
這是Olivia Newton-John在1972年推出的自作曲。她溫柔的嗓音娓娓道出一位離異母親的無奈和疼惜兒子的用心。在目前離婚率高居不下的台灣,這種心情會讓許多女性份外感概。Olivia Newton-John的鄉村精選集中可以找到這首歌。