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SWiSHmax The Panels menu(面板)
2009/08/04 13:24:10瀏覽685|回應0|推薦2

SWiSHmax The Panels menu


The Panels menu:

The Panels menu includes a complete list of the panels used in SWiSHmax.

The default display of panels includes the Timeline, which shows you movie's content over tine; the Outline panel, which lists the components of the movie; the layout, which shows you the movie's stage; and the Scripts panel, which is used to add interactivity to your movie.

The remaining panels are combined in a group at the right-lower side of the program window.


All the panels are toggled; that is, when a panel is visible on the screen; you see a check mark next to the name in the menu.

In Figure2.8(Panels) all the panels are toggled to On.

To close a panel, select the Panels menu item from the menu list and then click the panel name on the menu to deselect it,

By default, all the program's panels are displayed in the program window.


Figure2.8(Panels):The program's are toggled on and off in the Panels menu.


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