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上課 英文
2013/11/27 19:47:19瀏覽25|回應0|推薦0

  • www.hitutor.com.tw/classroom.php


  • tw.websaru.com/上課.html

    上課英文翻譯: 上課 [shàngkè] to go to classto attend ..., 學習上課發音, 上課例句盡在WebSaru字典。 ... 單字上課的中英文例句與用法 明天不上課。There will be no school (ie no lessons) tomorrow. 在孩子們住院期間, 有個私人教師給他們上課。

  • tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?​qid=1405110508516

    2005/11/5 · 請問 [上課了] 的英文怎麼說?比如說一堂英文課剛開始,老師在台上拍拍手,說"上課了!!上課了!!"謝謝!! ... 知識問題| 上課了ˇ的英文怎麼說? 發問者: Maggie ( 實習生 4 級) 發問時間: 2005-11-05 13:52:51 解決時間:

  • tw.news.yahoo.com/看影片對話學習-真英語app...

    閱讀Yahoo奇摩新聞上的「看影片對話學習 真英語App像在國外上課」。 英文重要性不必多說,許多人都想把英文學好,但往往進入社會之後,就無法像學生時期一樣,有那麼多時間可以練習。不過,拜科技進步之賜,現在流行的智慧型

  • esl.about.com/od/englishlessonplans

    English lesson plans with clear objectives, teaching tips and printable classroom handouts for students. ESL EFL lessons include reading, writing, listening, grammar, speaking, pronunciation, childrens' lessons and business English lessons.

  • englishpage.com

    Grammar and vocabulary exercises, tutorials, dictionaries and resources for intermediate and advanced learners.

  • software.super-idol.com/often.htm

    在學校課堂上,老師上課必用的英文用 語 Stand up. 站起來 Sit down. 坐下 Raise your hand. 舉手 Be quiet. 安靜 Open your book to page___. 翻開課本第___頁 Show me____. (pencil box) 拿(鉛筆盒)出來 Read after me. 跟著我唸一次

  • tw.news.yahoo.com/...

    閱讀Yahoo奇摩新聞上的「打球又樂在上課 紅葉國小告別菜英文」。 〔自由時報記者陳怡靜/台北報導〕偏鄉不等於「菜英文」!台灣英語教學學會昨舉辦國際研討會,經過二年實驗教學,台東九校學童在補救教學篩選測驗通過率提升為九六.二四% ...

  • learn-english-online.org

    Learn English Online. We have been helping people with their English since 1999. For the love of English. Learn English Online is our free ESL beginner and intermediate learners course These free English lessons are aimed at EFL ESL learners in association ...

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