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「My Mouth is a Volcano! 我的嘴是一個火山!」
2015/06/12 14:51:00瀏覽325|回應0|推薦0

「My Mouth is a Volcano! 我的嘴是一個火山!」Louis 在學校或在家裡,當同學、老師或家長講話時,他就忍不住要插嘴,像火山爆發一樣。他的媽媽如何教他改變這習慣,成為受歡迎的小孩。適合4歲以上閱讀。Arthur (愛讀繪本No. 0005) 

Â"Winner of the Association of Educational Publisher's 2006 Distinguished Achievement Award for ChildrenÂ’s Books in Graphic Design & IllustrationÂ"

My Mouth Is A Volcano takes an empathetic approach to the habit of interrupting and teaches children a witty technique to help them manage their rambunctious thoughts and words. Told from Louis’ perspective, this story provides parents, teachers, and counselors with an entertaining way to teach children the value of respecting others by listening and waiting for their turn to speak.

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