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「Hands Are Not for Hitting 手不是用來打人」
2015/06/10 14:26:51瀏覽269|回應0|推薦0

「Hands Are Not for Hitting 手不是用來打人」雙手可以做許多事,例如畫圖、和人溝通、打招呼、遊戲、運動、吃飯、寫字...等,但是絕對不是用來打人。看雙手可以做多少事情? 適合學齡前3-6歲閱讀由家長帶領閱讀。 Arthur (愛讀繪本No. 0003)

It’s never too soon for children to learn that violence is never okay, hands can do many good things, and everyone is capable of positive, loving actions.

In this bright, inviting, durable board book, simple words and full-color illustrations teach these important concepts in ways even very young children can understand.

Created in response to requests from parents, preschool teachers, and childcare providers, this book belongs everywhere young children are. Includes tips for parents and caregivers.

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