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A Tree Is a Plant 「一顆樹」
2015/06/08 10:48:17瀏覽40|回應0|推薦0

A Tree Is a Plant 「一顆樹」一顆樹像蘋果樹,是由一個小小的種子萌芽,經日曬、雨淋,慢慢長大成一顆樹,先開花,再長出甜美的蘋果,然後在秋天枯萎、落葉,冬天時只剩下光禿禿的樹枝,但是第二年春天來臨時,蘋果樹又開始長出新的嫩葉。Arthur (愛讀繪本No. 0001) 

PreSchool-Grade 2-A newly illustrated version of a 1960 publication. Although the title and beginning pages indicate a broad look at trees, the focus is on the apple tree. 

A tree is the biggest plant that grows. Trees can live for a very long time, and they are alive all year long, even when they look dead in winter. Clyde Robert Bulla's accessible text and Stacey Schuett's lush, accurate illustrations follow a tree's continuous life cycle through spring, summer, winter, and fall.

This is a Stage 1 Let's-Read-and-Find-Out, which means the book explains simple science concepts for preschoolers and kindergarteners. Let's-Read-And-Find-Out is the winner of the American Association for the Advancement of Science/Subaru Science Books & Films Prize for Outstanding Science Series.

Supports the Common Core Learning Standards and Next Generation Science Standards.

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