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小松菜防骨鬆 鈣含量高達牛奶2倍
2020/05/16 02:27:38瀏覽1|回應0|推薦0


68 歲的王媽媽平時保養得宜,加上個頭嬌小,外表看起來像個 50 多歲的貴婦,不少人更直誇她是美魔女。某日她和姊妹淘相約爬山,沒想到下山時不小心踩空,跌了一跤,卻疼得站不起來,一到醫院檢查,才發現是骨折,而且醫生還跟她說,她有嚴重的骨質疏鬆,讓她不禁感嘆自己真的是一把老骨頭了!


骨質疏鬆有「健康的沈默殺手」之稱,在台灣,65 歲以上的長者,平均每 9 人即有1人患有骨質疏鬆症;而 75 歲以上的銀髮族,則是每 4 人中就有 1 位深受骨質疏鬆所擾。性別比方面,則是女性明顯高於男性。其中,更有近 4 成的女性在更年期過後,就出現骨質疏鬆的問題。

我們都知道,要顧骨本一定要補鈣,醫師進一步解釋,鈣質是鞏固骨骼及牙齒的主要來源,也具有促進肌肉收縮、心臟跳動、血液凝固等作用,是體內極為重要的營養素之一。如果長期未攝取足夠的鈣質供給身體所需,便會使得鈣質和骨質流失,即為「骨質疏鬆」。根據統計,孩童的鈣吸收率可高達75%,成人對鈣的吸收率約為20 ~40%,年長者對鈣的吸收能力則更低。





It is necessary to add calcium to the bones. The doctor further explained that calcium is the main source of bone and teeth, and also promotes muscle contraction, heart beat, blood coagulation, etc. It is one of the most important nutrients in the body. If you don't get enough calcium for your body for a long time, you will lose calcium and bone, which is "osteoporosis."

The 68-year-old mother Wang is usually well-maintained, and her head is petite. The appearance looks like a lady in her 50s. Many people even boast that she is a beautiful witch. One day, she and her sister met each other to climb the mountain. I didn't expect to step on the air when I went down the mountain. I fell awkwardly, but I couldn't stand up. When I went to the hospital for examination, I found that it was a fracture, and the doctor told her that she was serious. Osteoporosis, she can not help but sigh that she is really an old bone!

More women than men

Osteoporosis is known as the "healthy silent killer". In Taiwan, an elderly person over the age of 65 has an average of 1 person with osteoporosis. For those over 75 years old, it is for every 4 people. One person was deeply disturbed by osteoporosis. In terms of sex ratio, women are significantly higher than men. Among them, nearly 40% of women have osteoporosis after menopause.

We all know that calcium must be supplemented with calcium. The doctor further explained that calcium is the main source of bone and teeth, and it also promotes muscle contraction, heart beat, blood coagulation, etc. It is one of the most important nutrients in the body. . If you don't get enough calcium for your body for a long time, you will lose calcium and bone, which is "osteoporosis." According to statistics, children's calcium absorption rate can be as high as 75%, adult's calcium absorption rate is about 20 ~ 40%, and older people have lower absorption capacity of calcium.

More effective with vitamin K

Many dark green vegetables are rich in calcium, such as spinach, small pineapple, etc. Among them, the recently very small pineapple has a calcium content twice that of milk!

The nutritionist pointed out that in fact, many dark green vegetables are rich in calcium, but the overall absorption rate is not good. It is recommended to eat with vegetables rich in vitamin K, because vitamin K is responsible for converting calcium in the blood into bone. An important element, so in addition to eating dark green vegetables, you should also eat more vegetables containing vitamin K, such as Korean cabbage, Chinese cabbage, broccoli, leeks, green beans, etc., all help to increase the absorption rate of calcium, Strengthen the bones.

Nutritionists recommend that because vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin, if you need to eat vegetables rich in vitamin K, you can use it, such as fast-fried, with the intake of oil, it is more easily absorbed by the body.

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