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二手車貸試算 各大銀行車貸利率比較2016推薦 二手車貸試算
2016/03/09 08:14:09瀏覽2|回應0|推薦0


貨比三家不吃虧 服務也是!!


想要知道怎麼貸才會快 才會順利




由 Kings SPCA-Rescue 貼上了 2016年1月3


親愛的狗主人toyota 車貸利率試算表



Dear The Callous POS owner of this dog,Today we noticed a couple of emails from people that had noticed your dog that had been abandoned on 15th ave and Excelsior ave. After looking at date, your dog had been sitting there since Saturday morning at least. It was 3:00 pm today when we finally noticed the messages because we have been so busy. We decided to drive over and see if we could help. Sure enough there he was. He waited for you.He hadn't left the place you made him stay. He was being a good dog. He stayed close to the last place he saw his favorite person in the world. He thought you were coming back. He was watching every car that would come down the road hoping it was you coming back for him. Your dog has been freezing, hungry, and scared for days because you are a heartless piece of crap. He waited for you. He was so hungry that he was eating sticks. Nice people had stopped to drop off food but he was still so hungry and confused. But even with food sitting in front of him he knew he had to wait for you to come back.He waited for you.He isn't a bad dog. He is a very good dog. You were a bad friend. You abandoned someone that would give his life for you. Someone who doesn't care how long you stayed away at work. Someone who is just as happy to see you if u just go outside to check the mail or if you leave for days. Someone who would lick the tears off your cheeks and the leftover food from your plate when u were done eating.He won't be waiting for you anymore.After he was seen for day curled up in a ball on the road you left him, we came back for him. We came back with a fellow rescuer named Yvonne from Raven's Rescue BullyBreed Sanctuary. It was getting dark and we could hear the coyotes in the distance. We sat there for hours. We talked to him. We sat there singing to him. We fed him and offered him a banket.Your dog ate from our hand after hours of throwing him wet food. Your dog finally came closer to us as we laid in the cold dirt telling him "everything is going to be ok and this is the last time anyone will hurt you". Your dog finally let me pet the top of his head. Then behind his ears. Finally he didn't run when I scooted over and sat next to him. He finally laid down and allowed me to give him belly rubs. He let me put a leash on him and didn't try to run. He didn't panick until it was time to leave. He wanted to wait for you. He refused to walk to the van. I carried your huge dog to our van; your big, gentle, scared, and loyal dog. I carried your dog away from the last place he saw you. He howled the whole car ride to our shelter. He howled the most painful howl I have ever heard. It was the sound of his heart breaking. He desperately tried to get back to the spot that you left him. He frantically checked every window then watched out the back window as we drove away. His howls lasted until he came to the driver seat and howled at me. As I reached over to pet his head he looked at me so confused and laid his head on my lap and whined as we pulled up to the shelter.You don't deserve this amazing puppy. You don't deserve any dog at all. My dog will forget about you. He will find a good home and will get the love he deserves. He will know what it's like to have a real home.I don't care who you are or your excuse as to why you abandoned my dog. It's probably a BS reason anyways. You are a scum bag. I pray your year is filled with karma and bad health.Sincerely,Brooke


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你叫牠在那裡「等」,牠就真的乖乖在那裡沒有離開半步,真是一隻好狗。牠坐在靠近最後一次見到最愛的人的位置,認為你一定會回來;牠看著經過的每一台車,希望那是你前來帶牠回家的身影。你的狗冷得發抖、飢餓到不行、而且渡過了驚恐的好幾天,就因汽車貸款率利最低銀行 2016為你車貸利率 銀行是一個沒心的廢物。






▲信件中的當事狗。(圖/翻攝自Kings SPCA-R汽車借款陷阱escue)

世界各地都存在著棄養動物的問題,每一天有摩托車借錢數不清的狗狗被殘忍遺棄,這些被前主人視為「垃圾」的寵物,卻依然殷殷期盼著最愛的爸爸媽媽有一天會來接牠們回家。加州善待動物組織Kings SPCA的員工Brooke Rapozo再也看不下去,她寫了一封公開信給其中一位棄養者,告訴他被他丟在郊區泥土地的狗狗到底有多忠心。

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