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Bunddle Up!Please~
2010/01/05 22:37:25瀏覽714|回應0|推薦7

這個星期美東地區冷,新聞中最常出現 bitterly cold(狠冷)..和..bunddle up(穿多層點)~


  1. Step 1

    One important key to staying warm is wearing layers.
    Wear a long sleeved shirt underneath your sweater, or spandex under
    your pants. Thermal wear is designed to hold the warmth of your body
    in. You can find thermal wear at places such as Target.

  2. Step 2

    Wear a coat!
    Make sure to buy a thick coat designed to lock in your body heat. Light
    jackets and hoodies alone won't keep you as warm like a good heavy coat
    can in freezing weather.

  3. Step 3

    Put on a hat. It's important to wear hats in the winter because they keep your body heat from escaping at the top of your head.

  4. Step 4

    Wear gloves. You
    won't be able to keep your hands stuffed in your pockets all the time,
    you may need to open doors or pick things up. That's why wearing gloves
    come in handy, you can have both functional and warm hands!

  5. Step 5

    Put on a scarf. It keeps cold air from finding it's way down your neck and if your face gets cold you can wrap up your mouth and nose.

  6. Step 6

    Wear thick socks,
    especially if you're going to walk through snow. Obviously, they'll
    keep your toesies warmer than thin socks or hosiery or no socks at all.

  7. Step 7

    Wear leg high boots. They're essential for walking through snow, or else you'll get that freezing wet stuff all in your shoes.


Tips & Warnings

  • Remember to buy a coat with a hood. It blocks the wind from behind you and also locks in more of your heat.

Okay....Now it's time to bunddle up ~~Let's go~~~閃閃閃~

( 知識學習語言 )
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