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《Be All You Can Be》
2009/03/19 22:29:48瀏覽339|回應0|推薦1

This book amazes me.
I found this book make me think positively.
I lend this book from the library this afternoon.
I just finished the book tonight.

There are a lot precious things in the book.
It reminds me of determination to succeed.
So my slogan became"Be All I Can Do" instead of the old one
"Think less, Do more".
This book tells me how we value ourself determines our values.
Don't even set limit for yourself.
It also reminds me of the lines of the movie named
"The Pursuit of Happyness".
In the basketball scene,
Christopher Gardner learned his seven-year-old son want to become a star in NBA.
At first,
Gardner told his son not even to think about it.
Because Gardner himself was bad at playing basketball.
His son seemed be the same in the future.
when he saw the disappointed face of his son,
he canged his mind.
After a short silence,
Gardner said
Don´t ever let somebody tell you, you can´t to something.
Not even me...
You got a dream, you gotta protect it.
People can't do something themselves,
they wanna tell you that you can't do it.
You want something?
Go get it.

In a word,
I am supposed to stop spending my time like water.

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