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Beautiful Phrases
2009/01/21 12:27:55瀏覽400|回應0|推薦0

Recently I have read numerous magzines to sharpen my
English ability.
The beauty of English amazes me.
I write down some beautiful phrases to keep it in mind.
The follows are the phrases which were combined together
in my own way:

I will be proficient in English and Japanese.
I believe I can fly, even move mountains.
This is a rewarding experience that I have met you.

Why do I qualify for the position?
My determination to succeed is
strong enough that defeats discouragement.

I am a very driven and proactive man.
Drag things out is not my style.
Turn things around is my speciality.
Rise to the top is my target.

Life is short.
By all means, I will live life to the fullest.
By the end of my life,
I will have been lived a life of joy and beauty.

( 知識學習語言 )
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