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angels with wings-toast to Michelle and Kay
2019/05/13 12:30:59瀏覽313|回應0|推薦6

angels with wings

lives in Sg

speed my B-day gift

in fast delivery

to Taiwan

by themselves

 my heart is melted

with their kind thought

friendship goes on

from 102

its a message 

from God

with blessing hand


Dear Michelle and Kay:

thank you for bringing us so much joy and wonder.

I believe that friends are angels sent from God, too.

Without you, it’s very difficult to go through 102.

It’s very sweet for your considerate company.

Time flies, it has been 6 years.

Wish this friendship will last forever and ever.

So glad to know that you love the T-shirt,

wish these shirts

will bring you endless blessing forever and ever,

once you wear,

will bring you super power

to conquer any challenges! Love you!!


"A friend shares the good times and helps out by listening during the bad times." ---Molly Oliver

"While everybody else shakes my hand, you hold it." ---Nick Zeigler

"We all take different paths in life, but no matter where we go, we take a little of each other everywhere." ---Tim McGraw


Best wishes to you, angel sisters!

                                              Love 1080722

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