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2017/07/02 23:45:03瀏覽462|回應0|推薦5

Alyna, born in Singapore, originated back from Mainland China where her newly divorced grandmom brought her 9-year-old mom to a new Lala land in Singapore.

Her grandmom found her new lover and built a new home. And her mom started a new Cinderalla life with secluded world. Endless household chores are her new definition. Nature is her only langauges. Her prince saved her free. Her strong perseverance passed on to Alyna.

Alyna starts to take adventure life after she retired from Swiss Kindergarten. She leads kindergarten teachers in Singapore to visit different countries: Sweden, Australia, Norway, Newzealand, Taiwan, Switzerland, America, Canada exc.

Her courage leads herself and her friends to face yesterday’s self , tomorrow self and love today’s self.

One seed not die, she will grow more hope , love and faith.  

Thank you, Alyna angel, for running an amazing world where we can keep exchanging our life experience with joy and blessing. Friends are the windows to the world. 

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