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How to Choose Temperature Measurement and Disinfection Machine?
2020/10/26 15:00:00瀏覽39|回應0|推薦0
With the development of the current global epidemic, the demand for infrared temperature measurement and disinfection equipment for rapid body temperature screening has increased significantly. In addition to the long-distance infrared temperature measurement and face recognition integrated machine, it is difficult to deploy face temperature measurement access control in some areas. The intelligent temperature measurement and disinfection integrated machine in public epidemic prevention places is still required for epidemic prevention and control, and will have a broader application in more temperature measurement and disinfection scenarios. For domestic and foreign customers who currently purchase temperature measurement and disinfection equipment, they are sometimes confused. For example, how to choose a temperature measurement and disinfection integrated machine that can be customized ?

It is recommended that you may wish to purchase the TF88 temperature measurement and disinfection integrated machine (temperature measurement and disinfection station) to meet the normalized epidemic prevention and control needs. The same as the face temperature measurement equipment, TF88 also has infrared thermal imaging function, built-in high-precision infrared temperature sensor, easy to operate, stable performance, low price and other characteristics. The initial temperature setting of the integrated temperature measurement and disinfection machine is 37.3℃. When measuring the temperature, pedestrians only need to reach under the temperature measurement and disinfection machine to display the actual body temperature detected and broadcast the measured body temperature data, in Celsius and Fahrenheit. Two types of temperature are available, which can meet the needs of most regions at home and abroad; after automatic temperature sensing and measurement, it will spray a wipeable disinfectant (spray, gel or foam) to achieve the disinfection effect The viruses and bacteria in the hands continue to spread everywhere.
TF88 applications picture :
TF88 The temperature measurement and disinfection integrated machine is shipping in batches:
( 興趣嗜好電腦3C )
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