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2010/07/30 09:56:31瀏覽1031|回應0|推薦9 | |
自小愛看繪本,雖然現在已是高高年級生,還是常去書店、圖書館的兒童區逛逛。最近看了三本女作家的繪本,內容、背景不同,分享給大家。 繪本1: 海莉. 特門 Harriet Tubman: 女摩西。海利在1822年(出生年為估計)出生美國黑奴,為美國著名黑奴地下鐵路投奔自由的女傑。海莉在二十七歲左右單獨一人徙步逃出黑奴農場。一路上危險重重,全靠對上天的誠心依靠,終於逃到費城恢復自由人。在能自力更生後,加入黑奴地下鐵路投奔自由組織,先後回到前黑奴區十九次,帶領多人逃出黑奴農場,無一失誤。其中一次把年邁行動不便的父母救出,一路護送到加拿大。本書每跨頁都有一段感人的祈禱詞,祈求上天的看顧與保護。 http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/aia/part4/4p1535.html 繪本2:露易絲、梅、愛爾卡的一生:小婦人一書的作者。露易絲比海利晚生幾年,出生於新英格蘭區的白人知識份子家庭。她以她的家庭背景寫了世界上最著名的女孩們的故事: 小婦人。露易絲全家支持解放黑奴。 露易絲的姐姐May Alcott Nieriker 收藏了一幅黑奴女孩的畫像(La Negresse),此畫現在在德國,是私人的收藏藝術品,並用於 "I Thought My Soul Would Rise and Fly" 一書的封面。 "I Thought My Soul Would Rise and Fly" 一書是描述一名黑奴女孩如何利用裝傻,騙過白人主人,在黑奴不准認字的時代學會讀寫,並利用她的讀寫能力,為她的被解放後的文盲黑奴同胞服務。 繪本3: Read All About IT! (讀透透--我的
愛看書的布夫人和布女兒的書以教室為中心,由一個聰明但不愛看書的小男生Tyrone為主角的學校活動開始,到迷上老師的說故事時間,加上小孩的想像力,書上的角色一一拜訪小孩的教室,可愛極了!書中介紹小學中、低年級書單。所以書中有書,很有趣的! Tyrone rules the school! He's king of the monkey bars, a math machine, and a science whiz. He has lots of friends and loves school. Except for one thing...Tyrone doesn't like to read. It wouldn't be so bad if his teacher would just get the hint. But no—every day after lunch, she whips out another book. Boring! Then one day, something really strange happens during reading time. It happens again the next day and the next and the next until story hour is the most exciting part of the day! http://www.harpercollinschildrens.com/parents/gamesandcontests/features/readallaboutit/ 好啦!寫了一大篇,大家看書去! Tubman, Harriet Ross (1822-1913). Born into slavery on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, Tubman gained international acclaim as an Underground Railroad operator, abolitionist, Civil War spy and nurse, suffragist, and humanitarian. After escaping from enslavement in 1849, Tubman dedicated herself to fighting for freedom, equality, and justice for the remainder of her long life, earning her the biblical name "Moses" and a place among the nation's most famous historical figures. Harriet gazes at the sky and talks with God.
"I am You child, Lord; yet Master owns me, drives me like a mule. Now he means to sell me south in chains to work cotton, rice, indigo, or sugarcane, never to see my family again."
God speaks in a whip-poor-will's song.
" I set the north start in the heavens and I mean for you to be free."
Harriet sees the star twinkling.
My mind is made up. Tomorrow, I flee.
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