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2013/01/24 20:37:15瀏覽925|回應8|推薦207 | |
花開花謝有不一樣的聲音 flowers bloom flowers wither there are different sounds 月昇月落有不一樣的聲音 moon rises moon fades there are different sounds 潮去潮來有不一樣的聲音 waves roll away waves come again there are different sounds 人生人死有不一樣的聲音 men born men died there are different sounds 若有疑惑 when in doubt 夜裡讓心放下來 let the heart down when night falls 放在最輕的地方 at where is the lightest 靜靜的聽 quietly listen 聽自己與自己說話的聲音 to the sounds one talks with oneself 聽人前人後不一樣的聲音 to the sounds one before men and behind men
註:"不一樣的聲音"是遺老我2011年的拙作,承蒙旅居美國的格友紙聲兄喜愛,幫忙譯成英文讓我重新po上。遺老我小時不努力,對英文一直存在敬畏,所以非常感激紙聲兄願意出力,譯成英文讓更多人讀到這首作品。今特地把此首中、英文併呈,提供眾友參閱。再次感謝紙聲兄的隆情厚意! |
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