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2009/10/12 09:52:51瀏覽27|回應1|推薦0 | |
在目前這場經濟風暴當中,我們許多同門也在為轉換跑道而做準備. 但許多人不是很清楚自己的權益. 幸運的是, 紫蓮堂熱心的葉純師兄(Chun Ye)家的師姐任職於EDD, 他們在照顧完小可愛入睡後,百忙中還抽空花了幾個晚上時間整理出這份有關失業救濟相關規定的實際問答. 這些寶貴資料我們並不藏私, 也請轉寄給您需要幫助的親朋好友, 讓大家相互扶持, 一起度過這場曙光已現的暗夜, 謝謝大家. 同門關懷組 紫蓮堂 以下請看他們所整理的失業救濟相關問答: Unemployment FAQ
[Q1] I am a contractor, works for 40 hours per week, and works for the company more than 2 years, now the company is closed out, do I qualify to apply unemployment benefit? If you are a 1099 employee, then you are not qualified; however, if you are a W2 employee, then yes you do qualify
[Q2] I am a full time employee, recently my working hours have been cut (from 40 hours to 30 hours), do I qualify to apply unemployment benefit? If your hours have been cut down (less than 30 hours due to lack of work), then most likely you do qualify for partial unemployment benefit.
[Q3] How long (weeks, months) I need to work to be qualified to apply? There is no minimum of work duration to qualify as long as you make at least $1300 minimum in a quarter. Example: an actor works one week per year but he earns $20k, he still qualifies for unemployment benefit
[Q4] Only people have green card or citizenship can apply? Legal residents with the right to work in the States are eligible to apply for unemployment benefit. VISA holders do not qualify.
[Q5] If the company moves to other state, I don’t want to go, so I lose my job. Do I qualify to apply? Most likely you do qualify as you have a great reason quit the job but you will need to go through a telephone interview with EDD.
[Q6] I have worked for the same company for 2 years, but only works on California branch for 1 month (they closed California branch recently), do I qualify to apply? If the company paid CA unemployment tax in CA for the last 2 years, then you can apply in CA. Otherwise, you should apply at the state where the company paid tax.
[Q7] How do I know how much money I can get per paycheck and EDD didn’t make mistake? Any formula I can pre-calculate? Please refer to the Unemployment Insurance Benefit Table on the link below: http://www.edd.ca.gov/pdf_pub_ctr/de1275a.pdf
[Q8] If I found a part time job, but only work for a few hours per week, unemployment benefit will be terminated anyway? No, if your income is less than unemployment benefits check, then you will still get partial benefit. What you will get = weekly unemployment amount – (part time earning * 0.75)
[Q9] If I found a full time job, only work for 2 months then the company was closed out, can I apply the unemployment support again? Any limitations? Yes, you can apply. You will continue to receive the remaining balance of your claim.
[Q10] You said ‘remaining balance’, what’s the meaning? I applied unemployment benefit 5 years ago, EDD will track and deduct those money I got before? Do you mean you worked only 2 months in the last 18 month? *If the answer is yes, then you will have to wait until the next quarter change to apply. Unemployment benefit is base on the earning you have during the first 4 of the last 5 completed quarters. *If your answer is no, you have been working full time in the last 18 month but switched to a new company in the last 2 months, then you can apply right after you got laid off. [Q11] If I am qualified for all extensions, what are the maximum weeks I can get? 26 weeks from CA state, 20 weeks 1st extension, 13 weeks 2nd extension, and 20 weeks federal extension; totaling 79 weeks.
Under the current laws, you will receive 79 weeks if you can start your 2nd extension by Dec 27th 2009. If your 1st extension will not exhaust before Dec 27, 2009, then you will lose the 2nd extension and the federal extension.
Unsure if there will be another (4th) extension since our congress has not yet inked their final decision.
[Q12] How do I know there is another extension? Where can find out related information? EDD will inform me, or I need to check by myself? If there is another extension, EDD will inform you by mail. (so make sure your mailing address is correct at EDD’s record). You can also check EDD’s website for updates or watch the TV news as most of the news station do cover it.
Common FAQ: http://edd.ca.gov/Unemployment/FAQ_-_Contacting_UI.htm
Another FAQ for extended unemployment: http://edd.ca.gov/Unemployment/FAQ_-_Extended_Unemployment_Benefits.htm
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