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2010/07/07 02:26:07瀏覽16|回應0|推薦0 | |
紫蓮堂參與2010年佛利滿國慶日大遊行照片& Video Celebrating Independence Day 2010! – PL Members in Fremont 4th of July Parade.
謝謝Shawn師兄及其他攝影人員的辛勞, 拍照紫蓮堂參與2010年佛利滿國慶日大遊行並upload照片, 以響讀者. 在此並感謝法師. 同門踴躍參加此次盛會, 讓紫蓮雷藏寺及紫蓮學校的貢獻及聲譽, 再次得到社區的肯定, 謝謝. 請按以下網址連結,觀看紫蓮堂參與2010年佛利滿國慶日大遊行照片:
We sincerely thank the hard works of Brother Shawn, Peter and many other volunteers helping to either take photos or film the event. We also greatly appreciate all the fashis (Lamas), volunteers and PLS students participating the parade. It is because of their hard works & support, PLT once again had a very successful July 4th parade in the City of Fremont !! Great job everyone!!
[相簿一] Album 1 - 2010-07-04 PLT Fremont Parade
[Peter 師兄所提供的照片] More pictures from Peter Tan: » You can also view all 36 items as a slideshow http://www.flickr.com/photos/51679034@N04/sets/72157624436827286/show/ 請按此連結至YouTube 觀賞紫蓮堂參與2010年佛利滿國慶日大遊行影片 Click here to watch parade video on YouTube:
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