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2010/10/10 03:12:37瀏覽230|回應0|推薦0 | |
紫蓮國際學校畢業生周妙行同學,於2010年6月畢業於美國加州戴維斯大學(UC Davis),在數萬畢業生中脫穎而出,代表全體畢業生,於畢業典禮中致詞。在致詞中,妙行與大家分享真佛密法教育對她的影響及幫助,如何運用真佛密法擁有光明自在的生活。她的致詞真摯感人,讓所有與會的教授、學生、家長及畢業生的親朋好友們皆動容不已,報以久久不停的熱烈掌聲!周妙行同學是我們真佛宗新生代的驕傲。
美國有近兩千所大學,從紫蓮國際學校畢業後,周妙行同學進入美國公立大學前十四名的加州戴維斯大學(UC Davis)就讀,因品學兼優,表現傑出,得到教授一致好評,獲戴維斯大學推薦,甄選進入中國最高學府北京大學(Peking University)進修一年。在這一年期間,妙行一路升等到最高程度中文班,更獲得北京大學教授的認可,進入一般中國學生就讀的中文系,所寫之論文,深受教授激賞,並得到中文演講比賽第三名!在中國四川地震發生時,她自願前往幫助,甚至僅靠簡單清水乾糧步行數天,深入汽車到達不了的內部災區,幫忙災民度過難關,重建生活。對於在美國出生長大的學生來說,能有這樣的成就,真是十分難能可貴!
周妙行同學的特殊,並不是以上這些讓人如數家珍,津津樂道的表現,而是她覺得這所有的一切是她本來就應該做到的,沒有什麼事是值得提出來讓人稱讚的。做事服務她跑第一,累到生病,聲音沙啞還不願意停;慶功發獎她溜最快,掌聲留給別人,不願居功,不拿任何報酬。問她為什麼這樣做, 她笑答:『能將歡樂帶給他人,能對他人有微薄幫助,能結一份善緣,能在接觸中讓我觀想師佛住頂放光注照他們,是我該感謝他們給我這個機會,平常想求都求不到呢!哪要麻煩別人謝我什麼,都是我應該做的。』
以下是周妙行同學的畢業致詞內容。 Good morning Provost, Deans, Staff, Family, Friends and most importantly, Graduates of 2010! Before I came to UCD, my high school teacher told me, “College is like a dance where they don’t teach you the steps.” And that was no silly simile. For nine years, I attended Purple Lotus, a K-12 school with 40 students, so when I got to UCD, I was pretty overwhelmed. I made sure to stay ahead of the game (though) first thing freshman year by joining the Iranian Dance Team, then the Chinese Dance and Arts club sophomore year. I thought, this dance of college shall not defeat me, for how well-trained my feet shall be! And for four years, not just me, but all of us - we each danced with similar partners at different times: We twirled with deadlines, stepped with grades and curves, shimmied with relationships and responsibilities, boogied with procrastination, and cha-cha-ed with many more challenges. In the end it was a constant showdown among Sleep, Academics and Social Life. I robotically went through the motions, sometimes feeling a need to rush through, and sure enough, sometimes I stumbled. No amount of dance practice can ever prepare me from tripping in life, but that doesn’t mean I should miss out on what trips (and adventures) life has in store for me. I’ve learned that preparation in life is essential, but keeping an open-mind is key. I say that because of an Ancient Chinese proverb my mom likes to coin, “计划不如变化快Plans can never surpass the speed of change.” If that’s the case, it’s all the more important for us to “live in the moment.” Did you know the Latin origin of “moment” means a particle sufficient enough to tip or turn a scale? The scale of life can change with just one small endeavor, one thought. Speaking of moments, this past year, we were all part of celebrating a momentous occasion: UCD’s Centennial. 101 years ago though, both our beautiful campus and we ourselves did not exist. And 101 years from now, we may not be here either. The moment to do and to be, is as always, now. Tomorrow we officially enter a society where unpaid internships are prevalent pre-requisites, and where we’re mostly regarded as the “trophy kids” generation, how will we find our niche and stand as contemporary leaders of today? Soon we will graduate from a distinguished UC, we will be equipped with the educational background, resources and networks necessary in today’s society, but we must also internally equip a ready and steady mind set. When I graduated high school, the founder gave us graduates each a candle. She then lit each of our candles, and told us that from this day forth, we have been lit. No matter how dark the road ahead or how unsettling the future may be, we should know that our inner light will always shine steadily, so as long as we maintain a clear mind and a calm open heart, wherever we may go, our paths will be bright. Sometimes thinking of tomorrow can be unsettling. We can get so caught up in the dance of life, hurrying through the motions without enjoying the process and when it’s intermission, we feel as if we’ve lost a sense a direction and ourselves. Our UC motto is: Fiat Lux! Let there be light! Light your inner candle, and let it radiate and permeate, filling your heart (and those around you) with its warmth and brilliance. Let your light shine in every moment and shadows… will be cast aside. Wherever you carry out the dance of life, remember, from this moment on, you have been lit. This light ignites in you a clear mind, a steady inner confidence and a loving heart. Today we (shall) step out of these doors, 1276 candles alight, providing the world with a little more illumination. Today is a special day. Someone wise once said, “The past is history, the future (is) a mystery, but today is a gift, that is why we call it the present.” We are here today (this moment) to celebrate the fruition of past endeavors and future aspirations, and just how my high school founder has shared with me, I’m honored and thankful to be able to share this (special) gift with you all. 觀看周妙行同學的畢業演講,請按以下連結: Click the link below to watch Junia’s commencement speech: http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=105632922820394
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