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Launch X431 PRO 3 for MB W212 Throttle Adaptation
2017/10/26 17:49:13瀏覽199|回應0|推薦0

Launch X431 PRO 3 user guide: Throttle Adaptation on Mercedes W212 the 2014 year

Check connection

Run Launch X431 PRO 3 application

Select Europe, then Mercedes

launch-x431-pro3-mb-w212-e200 (1)

Launch X431 PRO3 has Mercedes 48.20 software

This program diagnoses Mercedes electronic control systems, including power, chassis, body, info, seat & door,A/C, etc.

launch-x431-pro3-mb-w212-e200 (2)

Select Automatically search

launch-x431-pro3-mb-w212-e200 (3)launch-x431-pro3-mb-w212-e200 (4)

Check VIN

launch-x431-pro3-mb-w212-e200 (6)launch-x431-pro3-mb-w212-e200 (5)

Read VIN code

launch-x431-pro3-mb-w212-e200 (7)

Select System selection

launch-x431-pro3-mb-w212-e200 (8)

ECM- Engine control module (MED40) for combustion engine M274 (N3/10)

launch-x431-pro3-mb-w212-e200 (9)

Switch on ignition

launch-x431-pro3-mb-w212-e200 (10)

Select Special function

launch-x431-pro3-mb-w212-e200 (11)

Tech-in processes

launch-x431-pro3-mb-w212-e200 (12)

Tech-in of throttle value stop

launch-x431-pro3-mb-w212-e200 (13)

Check the engine status, accelerate pedal position, coolant temperature, and throttle

launch-x431-pro3-mb-w212-e200 (14)

Intake temperature reach the specified values

launch-x431-pro3-mb-w212-e200 (15)

Select F3, start tech-in process

Wait for 60 minutes, then the learning process is complete

launch-x431-pro3-mb-w212-e200 (16)

The tech-in process was completed successfully

launch-x431-pro3-mb-w212-e200 (17)

Job’s done!


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