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2013/07/10 13:31:46瀏覽4319|回應47|推薦167 | |
在台灣要出名很容易,彭帥一定沒有想到一個小女生隨便一句話,輕描淡寫,可以讓全台灣的名嘴騷動 - 哇!來台灣做生意、打廣告真輕鬆。不用付錢。 可憐的台灣小女生,千辛萬苦做自己,卻要被踩在腳下,比貪污犯還可憐。唉!不像扁,還有綠的爪牙替他說話。 我看彭帥一點問題都沒有,中國大陸的選手,真是好樣的,敢說敢言 - 讚! 那個日本記者問話本身就是不懷好意,兩岸聯手可是件大事,不找碴才怪。 我們的謝淑薇,台灣典型的小女生哪裡能應付這種詭詐的挑釁問話?彭帥敢說敢言,一點錯也沒有。的確是個人才。 台灣的媒體隨著日本記者的挑釁起舞 - 台灣媒體真是把國家的臉面丟盡了。 [後記1] 經小浪格友提供的英文採訪原稿,我發現整個彭帥話題是台灣媒體自編自導的鬧劇。原來是每一個國家都會因為自己國內的選手贏得溫布頓大滿貫而欣喜若狂的好消息,發生在台灣就成了台灣媒體自編自導,對選手,對政府侮辱的大鬧劇。 這是天下奇聞。 根據英文採訪的文字原稿,事實是: 1. 兩個女孩子非常單純專一的網球選手。 2.大陸選手幫助台灣選手,台灣選手感激她的搭檔。 3. 兩個女孩子英文很差,話說不清楚,但是也算是盡力表達了。 4. 因為記者是採訪兩個人一起的,回答是兩個人各談各人的想法。根據彭帥的回答,她的意思是,你問我國家,我人在這裡,我如何回答國家的事? 5. 中國大陸不是我們所可以關心的,但是我關心台灣,根據謝淑薇,台灣根本不關心網球,甚至連記者都不到現場。這是事實。 6. 兩個小女孩不懂政治,所言無關政治思維,只有個人與比賽。 7. 台灣媒體沒有派記者去關心,拿日本的英文採訪,不只是斷章取義,根本不瞭解事實,編造故事。 8. 事實上採訪三方的英文都不好,能夠對網球的專業術語表達就已經不錯了。台灣媒體我想英文也不是很好,爛英文對爛英文解讀錯誤是難免,但是成為網上亂飛的鬧劇,也太離譜了吧! 台灣媒體及名嘴們,笑話鬧大了。 [後記2] 網路上有人散佈兩位選手的惡名,姑且不論真假,值得台灣媒體如此大動作的惡搞嗎? 很可悲的台灣人生景觀。 [英文採訪原稿] Su-Wei Hsieh and Peng Shuai - Ladies' Doubles final Saturday 6 July 2013 Su-Wei Hsieh and Peng Shuai after their 7-6(1) 6-1 victory against Ashleigh Barty and Casey Dellacqua in the Wimbledon Ladies’ doubles final. Q. Tell me, a young lady from Hunan and a young lady from Taipei, how did you get together? PENG SHUAI: We meet in ITF team when we are like 13, 14. We are like junior at the time. That's how we start. HSIEH SU‑WEI: We meet and play the tournament together at the beginning. Q. How long ago was that? PENG SHUAI: When we 13 or 14. Q. That was only two years ago. PENG SHUAI: In the junior we play together like a few tournaments. But after, when we turn pro, we have like seven years didn't play together, yeah. HSIEH SU‑WEI: Actually she save my life for the doubles. She was top 20 in singles, and then one time I ask her US Open, because normally I pretty shy. I don't want to bother my friend. Because they're very good at the moment, at that time. At that time at the US Open, I say, Do you have someone to play in Bali? She say, Oh, no... PENG SHUAI: Are you sure you ask me? I ask you. HSIEH SU‑WEI: She very nice. She say, We play the tournament. We win the tournament after seven years. 2009 we win the Sydney, Rome, Beijing, and also semifinal of Roland Garros, quarterfinal of Australian Open. Q. What makes you such a special doubles combination? You play two‑handed on both wings, both of you. PENG SHUAI: Yeah. And also today Bartoli win also two hand. Q. Yeah, that is my next question. All three champions are double‑handed. What can you tell us about that? HSIEH SU‑WEI: The world going to be change? (Laughter.) Q. The world is changing, isn't it? PENG SHUAI: Probably first time both like double hand with the singles and the doubles, yeah. HSIEH SU‑WEI: It's amazing. Q. How much are you proud of yourself for winning the Grand Slam and how much does it mean to your country? HSIEH SU‑WEI: It's very special because I don't think tennis is popular in Taiwan. Even we don't see many media during this tournament. We're very proud that we can win this tournament together with my good friend. It's first title for us, for Taiwan, so I think it's big thing in Taiwan. I don't know how much they going to help the junior to coming better and better. I'm waiting. Before I come to Europe, I have little bit fight with my association because they cause us a lot of problems, some other stuff. I was not really happy during the tour in these two months. Q. But your country... PENG SHUAI: I'm sorry, because I sit here I cannot say how is country. I'm sorry. Q. How did you acquire your style? Would you recommend it to a beginning tennis player, boy or a girl? Both of you share the same style: two‑handed on both wings. Who taught you to play the style? Would you recommend it to a beginner? PENG SHUAI: Well, I was just like when young I'm too small to hold it, like normal, the racquet. My uncle at the time saw I was really small and not strong enough and just tell me two both side. Easier at the time to hold the racquet, yes. I feel like just, I don't know, when young I didn't think one hand or two hand. To me just how to can hold it like ‑‑ the long racquet. And then that was why I like two hand for both side. Q. Nobody later tried to change it? PENG SHUAI: No, because after first year, second year, when I play, maybe they saw me was okay for to hold it, the racquet. And then after like three or four years it's little bit tough to change because already used to that, yeah. I don't change hand. She change hand, yes. HSIEH SU‑WEI: But that's why she play better. She don't need to change. She's faster. PENG SHUAI: Yeah. She change the hand, yeah. HSIEH SU‑WEI: So sometimes I confuse myself (smiling). Same as her. Also very skinny and short when I start the tennis when I was five. My father just tell me to play with both hand. Q. It's interesting, because it says in your profile that your idol was Steffi Graf, a one‑handed player on both sides. We had Monica Seles at the same time who was two‑handed. What did you admire Steffi Graf for? HSIEH SU‑WEI: I like her by the personality more, her style, not just only the tennis. Q. The way she carries herself, the personality? HSIEH SU‑WEI: Yeah, more than the tennis. Q. The first set was very tight. A lot of breaks of serve. How did you maintain your composure? PENG SHUAI: I think first start we both really nervous, and then they play well. And then we get like lot of pressure. And then since we down like 3‑5, I think in the moment I feel she's really nervous. To me, I feel like my feeling on court much better than yesterday. I didn't that tight. So I just try to like play and then want to like help each other, because like same like yesterday, I was really tight in the court. So just try to like hold it and fight and then play and try like our best, because never know. Yeah. Q. The tiebreak was very quick and quite one‑sided. The second set was as well. Did something change? HSIEH SU‑WEI: I think I change myself little bit. I know at the beginning I was too nervous, so I was push the ball short and high. So I know that's going to cause the problem. So I try to hit the ball a little bit harder on the baseline. I think that's one of the reason that I win little bit more point during the tiebreak. PENG SHUAI: But I think first set both team have chance because they have set point. We up like 6‑5 and we have also like set point. But in the time I think I'm also little bit nervous and miss like the volley. In the tiebreak, I don't know, I think we both like didn't think that much. We just try to play, try to fight, yeah. Q. The person who serves, serves, and the person who doesn't serve stays at the baseline. I'm sure you are confusing a lot of the doubles. HSIEH SU‑WEI: We try to confuse them. Q. I think it confuses a lot of people. PENG SHUAI: No, actually, she's my boss at the net or at the baseline. Sometimes I ask her, You want I stay in the ad or in like baseline because depends like her. And then also we can like talk each other, yes. But when I serve, I like she in the net. Q. Can you talk a little bit about the pluses and minuses of that style, why not more girls are playing it if it proves to be so successful? HSIEH SU‑WEI: What kind of style do you mean? Q. Two‑handed forehand and backhand. Obviously you need to be fast to get to the ball. With one hand you have more reach. PENG SHUAI: I didn't think this question because I never play one‑handed. I don't know how the feeling. When they teach me use like one hand to volley, that's how I get it. The time my uncle teach me two hand both side when I young. HSIEH SU‑WEI: We don't know how to answer this one, sorry. PENG SHUAI: I never play one‑handed, so I don't know how is the feeling. And then, yeah. Q. Have you ever played Marion Bartoli? PENG SHUAI: Yeah, many times. I play her like singles I think seven, eight times, maybe more. Q. Did you win? PENG SHUAI: Yes. Sometimes win; sometimes lose. This year I play her in which tournament? Q. I can check statistics. PENG SHUAI: In some like tournament, yes. |
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