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佳作分享/good articles! (感謝牛震先生提供)
2018/12/17 10:36:52瀏覽226|回應0|推薦3
good articles!

It’s bad, but quite predictable, that the Chinese government would lash out against Canadian citizens to express its anger about the arrest in Vancouver of a senior executive of Huawei Technologies. That’s how Beijing rolls: you offend us, we slap you right back, and to heck with the niceties of law or due process or even simple morality. In this case, you grab one of ours and we take two of yours — even if the charges of “endangering China’s...
The arrest of a Chinese tech executive is yet another example that the U.S. is creating "a new Cold War" in international trade, says economist Jeffrey Sachs, who adds that Canada is abetting its southern neighbour.
( 時事評論國際 )
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