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2013/07/28 08:54:37瀏覽190|回應0|推薦0 | |
蘋果CEO Steve Jobs在上周表示因病休假,而外界的反應是已經將Jobs的健康與蘋果的未來緊密的聯繫了起來,相信這些很容易被大家理解,因為正是有了Jobs的領導,才有了蘋果的今天。
早在1985年Steve Jobs離開蘋果的時候,他就在一次採訪中闡述了“以產品為中心”的理念,到現在,這個理念已經指導蘋果走過了近30個年頭。
1985年作為蘋果創始人的Steve Jobs與時任CEO John Sculley關係白熱化,當時 John Sculley說服了董事會,剝奪了Jobs在蘋果對產品控制的實權,留下了一個沒有甚麼作用的頭銜給他。而Jobs沒有接受這樣的待遇,選擇離開了蘋果。
採訪中,Steve Jobs表現出對產品創造的追求和狂熱:“我最擅長的就是尋找一支優秀的團隊,然後和他們一起創造產品。我尊重蘋果的選擇。但對我跟人來說,你們都明白,我想要創造東西。如果蘋果不能讓我繼續創造,我只能選擇重來一次。我會開闢自己的地盤,就像當初在車庫創立蘋果的時候一樣。”
Jobs沒有接受他認為沒有實際意義的頭銜,選擇離開了蘋果,創建了NeXt公司,這家公司在1996年Jobs回歸蘋果前後被蘋果收購,NeXt研發的操作系統在後來被應用到了Mac OS X上; 期間Jobs還收購了皮克斯動畫工作室,創造了一些列優秀的動畫產品,最後皮克斯被迪士尼收購,Jobs至今依然是迪士尼的董事。
What I'm best at doing is finding a group of talented people and making things with them. I respect the direction that Apple is going in. But for me personally, you know, I want to make things. And if there's no place for me to make things there, then I'll do what I did twice before. I'll make my own place. You know, I did it in the garage when Apple started, and I did it in the metaphorical garage when Mac started.
My philosophy is that everything starts with a great product. So, you know, I obviously believed in listening to customers, but customers can't tell you about the next breakthrough that's going to happen next year that's going to change the whole industry. So you have to listen very carefully. But then you have to go and sort of stow away -- you have to go hide away with people that really understand the technology, but also really care about the customers, and dream up this next breakthrough. And that's my perspective, that everything starts with a great product.
或許我們都沒法跟他一樣,但對任何工作都需找出他的核心思維與價值,才能對工作產生最大的熱誠,做出最好的決定,才能有捨有得,做出最符合需求的品質。 |
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