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Lesson 1: Thank You, You're Welcome, and No Problem in Vietnam
2011/10/05 07:42:45瀏覽268|回應0|推薦1

Learn Vietnamese: Lesson 1: Thank You, Youre Welcome, and No Problem in Vietnamese 2009-06-19  〈01:58〉



2009-06-19 上傳

Learn Vietnamese

Lesson 1: How to say Thank You, Thank You Very Much, Youre Welcome, and
No Problem

Thank You is pronounced Cám Ơn
Thank You Very Much = Cám Ơn Rất Nhiều
Youre Welcome = Không Có Chi
No Problem = Không Sao

* Scenario 1:
At The Grocery Store
Cashier: Your total is ten dollars = Tất cả là mười đồng
Customer: Here is ten dollars = Đây là mười đồng
Cashier: Thank you = Cám ơn
Customer: Youre welcome = Không có chi

* Scenario 2: In The Streets
Person 1: Do you know where this place is? = Có biết chổ này ở đâu không?
Person 2: It is right over there = Ở bên kia
Person 1: Thank you very much = Cám ơn rất nhiều
Person 2: No problem = Không sao





Its never too late to start Learning Vietnamese!

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