您好 我是BC省駕照過期超過3年以上的人(我今年6月要去報到)
請問您-BC省駕照過期超過3年以上的人 ,是否直接可以 再換新駕照
今日在別人知識家中的回答 讓我心驚 特想拜託請你再確認是否正確 謝謝
如果期限超過3年以內,直接帶著過期的駕照和帶著一個有照片的ID到Driver Licensing Office換就可以,費用是75加幣
Your B.C. licence expired more than 3 years ago
You will need to be re-tested for your driver's licence:
· Provide one piece of primary and one piece of secondary identification to licensing staff.
· Take the road signs test and a vision screening. You can take these at any time. You do not need an appointment. There is no charge for the road signs test and vision screening.
· When you are ready, take the road test. The road test fee depends on the class of licence you are renewing.
If your BC driver's licence expired more than 3 years ago, but you can provide evidence that you have been driving outside BC within the last 3 years and with a valid driver's licence, you can renew your licence without further testing at any driver licensing office.
You will need to bring with you:
· supporting evidence to show you've been driving within the last 3 years (e.g., a valid driver's licence from another jurisdiction)
· one piece of primary and one piece of secondary identification, and
· the renewal fee of $75.
我的駕照是在Coquitlam位於Lougheed Highway的ICBC辦公室換的
[版主回覆01/08/2009 00:00:20]台灣駕照的翻譯可以直接去台灣監理處申請國際駕照即可,不用花什麼一千六。對方提出的已經是ICBC的規定了!應該就是這樣... 不過我建議你去溫東的ICBC辦事處嚐試申請,因為那邊比較鬆,我跟家母都是在那邊用台灣的國際駕照直接當做翻譯文件去考照,你準備好你的原始加國駕照、台灣原始駕照跟台灣國際駕照,到位於Bradway Station附近的溫東ICBC辦事處申請看看!也許可以通過,絕對不建議你到Richmond的辦事處,那邊有夠龜毛的。 Good Luck!