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2017/04/12 09:30:13瀏覽606|回應0|推薦16 | |
SLIT OF A SKY Let's not press too hard but leave a final slit of space and tho affinity for eons let's firm up footing to stand unyielding to time as steel reinforced wall
Let balmy gust whiff the great gap drifting cumuli clear the air gorge and for me to solely saunter a slit of a free sky [ Original by Edith Ng | English Version by John Sy ] 一 線 天
無須逼迫太緊罷 且留最後一線空隙 即使相傾千年 也自紮穩腳跟 站成歲月不侵的 鐵壁銅牆
任清風掠鴻溝 流雲渡天塹 而我 踽踽走出 一 線 生 天 |
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