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2013/06/11 08:16:21瀏覽125|回應0|推薦1 | |
Costco販售桂格燕麥片有飛蛾! 開罐竄出 消費者曾先生指出去年12月底在Costco購買的 http://udn.com/NEWS/NATIONAL/NATS1/7954525.shtml - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 免驚啦!聯合國推廣「吃昆蟲救地球」! 試看嘜!台灣應嚐嚐「煮炒炸昆蟲餐」! 橫批:國際接軌、蟲吃開始 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - latest buzz: eating insects can help tackle food insecurity, says FAO 13 May 2013 – While insects can be slimy, cringe-inducing creatures, often squashed on sight by humans, a new book released today by the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) says beetles, wasps and caterpillars are also an unexplored nutrition source that can help address global food insecurity. The book, Edible Insects: future prospects for food and feed security, stresses not just the nutritional value of insects, but also the benefits that insect farming could potentially have on the environment and on addressing the rapidly increasing demand for food worldwide. While the idea of eating a worm, grasshopper or cicada at every meal may seem strange, FAO says this has many health benefits. Insects are high in protein, fat and mineral contents. They can be eaten whole or ground into a powder or paste, and incorporated into other foods. “Insects are not harmful to eat, quite the contrary. They are nutritious, they have a lot of protein and are considered a delicacy in many countries,” said Eva Muller, the Director of FAO’s Forest Economics, Policy and Products Division. http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=44886&Cr=food+security&Cr1=#.UbZuePYVE1I 吃蟲救地球! 倫敦四月博覽會主軸 2013-03-07 【台灣醒報/張鎮宏】 http://news.chinatimes.com/world/50407269/132013030700871.html |
( 時事評論|政治 ) |