晨興聖言-經歷、享受並彰顯基督(W9-1) - ymch130 的部落格 - udn部落格
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    2024/09/20 10:30:17



    約十六 13 ~ 15『只等實際的靈來了,祂要引導你們進入一切的實際;…祂要榮耀我,因爲祂要從我有所領受而宣示與你們。凡父所有的,都是我的,所以我說,祂從我有所領受而要宣示與你們。』

    基督在…復活裏生爲神的長子,〔徒十三 33,〕我們這些蒙神揀選的人,也生爲神許多的兒子,〔彼前一 3,〕就是與基督同胎所生的弟兄。在這同一個復活裏,基督也成了賜生命的靈。〔林前十五 45 下。〕




    今天基督的身體就是召會,她所有的實際也就是那終極完成之三一神實際的靈。經過過程之三一神的實際,乃是祂終極完成之實際的靈。(約十四17,十五 26,十六 13,約壹五 6。)這三一神之所是、所有並所能,其實際都是這實際的靈。並且這三一神所經過的死與復活,其實際也都是這實際的靈。

    再者,這實際的靈使經過過程之三一神的一切,都在基督的身體裏成爲實際。(約十六 13 ~15。)…那經過過程之三一神所是的公義、聖別、生命、亮光、能力、恩典及一切神聖的屬性,都由這實際的靈實化爲基督身體的實際屬性。(羅十五16 下,十四 17,弗三 16。)…這些〔神的〕屬性都實化到召會裏了,所以召會也就有了〔這些〕神聖屬性的實際。


    如今,這靈住在我們得重生的靈裏,與我們的靈聯結爲一靈。(羅八 9 ~ 11 上,林前六 17。)祂不僅在我們裏面,祂還與我們的靈聯結成一靈。爲此,我們就要操練,將我們全人轉向這聯結的靈,並置於這聯結的靈。(羅八 6 下。)…我們說話、行事、待人、接物,都照着這聯結的靈。…我們這樣活在這聯結的靈裏,就能活出基督的身體,而成爲基督團體的彰顯。(弗一 23。)(李常受文集一九九○年第二册,一六一至一六三頁。)


    WEEK 9 — DAY 1

    Morning Nourishment

    John 16:13-15 But when He, the Spirit of reality, comes, He will guide you into all the reality;…He will glorify Me, for He will receive of Mine and will declare it to you. All that the Father has is Mine; for this reason I have said that He receives of Mine and will declare it to you.

    In the same resurrection Christ was born to be the firstborn Son of God [Acts 13:33], and we, the God-chosen people, were born to be the many sons of God [1 Pet. 1:3], who are the “twins” of Christ. Also, in this same resurrection Christ became a life-giving Spirit [1 Cor. 15:45b].

    Today my study of the Bible concerning resurrection has become a crystallization. This crystallization is that Christ’s resurrection is not merely God’s raising Him from the dead…In this one divine act, God accomplished three big things. He begot not His only Son but His firstborn Son; He begot His many sons in this one delivery; and He made this Jesus Christ, who had just been begotten of God, the life-giving Spirit. Three great accomplishments took place in one act.

    Without these major items of the Lord’s resurrection, there would be no church, no Body of Christ. If there were nothing in the Bible revealing the firstborn Son of God, the many sons of God, and the life-giving Spirit, there would be no economy of God. (CWWL, 1994-1997, vol. 2, “The Practical Way to Live a Life according to the High Peak of the Divine Revelation in the Holy Scriptures,” pp. 59-61)

    Today’s Reading

    The Body of Christ is the church today, and all of its reality is the Spirit of the reality of the consummated Triune God. The reality of the processed Triune God is His consummated Spirit of reality (John 14:17; 15:26; 16:13; 1 John 5:6). The reality of all that the Triune God is, has, and can do is simply this Spirit of reality. The reality of the death and resurrection that the Triune God passed through is also this Spirit of reality.

    Furthermore, this Spirit of reality makes everything of the processedTriune God a reality in the Body of Christ (John 16:13-15)…All that theprocessed Triune God is, including righteousness, holiness, life, light, power,grace, and all the divine attributes, are realized by this Spirit of reality to bethe real attributes of the Body of Christ (Rom. 15:16b; 14:17; Eph. 3:16)…These attributes [of God] have been realized in the church by the Spirit inthe Body of Christ. The church therefore possesses the reality of the divineattributes.

    Furthermore, all that the Triune God experienced, including incarnation,crucifixion, and resurrection, are likewise realized by this Spirit of reality to bethe real experiences of the Body of Christ…Because of this we can live a normalhuman life on the earth today. We can deal with the negative matters that befallus by the capacity of the death of Christ. We do not lose our temper, nor do weblame or rebuke others, because the death of Christ is realized in us throughthe Spirit of reality. Moreover, the Spirit with the resurrection of Christ worksin us to enable us to love and forgive others. These are all examples of how theexperiences of the Triune God Himself have been realized in the church by theSpirit of reality to be the real experiences of the church. This is the Spirit of the reality of the Triune God becoming the reality of the Body of Christ.

    This Spirit now dwells in our regenerated spirit and is joined to our spirit as one spirit (Rom. 8:9-11a; 1 Cor. 6:17). He is not only in us but also joined with our spirit to become one spirit with us. We must therefore exercise to turn our whole being to this joined spirit and set our mind on it (Rom. 8:6b)…We must speak, do things, treat others, and deal with matters according to this joined spirit…When we live in this joined spirit, we will be able to live out the Body of Christ and become His corporate expression (Eph. 1:23). (CWWL, 1990, vol. 2, “A Thorough View of the Body of Christ,” pp. 130-132)

    Further Reading: CWWL, 1994-1997, vol. 2, “The Practical Way to Live a Life according to the High Peak of the Divine Revelation in the Holy Scriptures,” chs. 3—4

