晨興聖言-享受基督與在生命裏長大...(W6-5) - ymch130 的部落格 - udn部落格
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    2024/01/12 08:46:01



    弗五25 ~ 27『作丈夫的,要愛你們的妻子,正如基督愛召會,爲召會捨了自己,好聖化召會,藉着話中之水的洗滌潔淨召會,祂好獻給自己,作榮耀的召會,沒有斑點、皺紋、或任何這類的病,好使她成爲聖別、沒有瑕疵。』








    WEEK 6 — DAY 5


    Morning Nourishment

    Eph. 5:25-27 Husbands, love your wives even as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her that He might sanctify her, cleansing her by the washing of the water in the word, that He might present the church to Himself glorious, not having spot or wrinkle or any such things, but that she would be holy and without blemish.

    I believe that we are living in a day in which the Lord is preparing His bride. Furthermore, I have the full assurance that we are presently undergoing this process of preparation…Revelation 19 is in the process of being fulfilled among us in the Lord’s recovery.

    We need to connect Revelation 19 with Ephesians 5. Apart from Ephesians 5, there is no way for the bride to be prepared, and hence no way for Revelation 19 to be fulfilled. It is very significant that the Lord has spoken to us about ordinances, doctrines, the old man, and the spots and wrinkles. It is crucial that we experience the nourishing, cherishing, sanctifying, and purifying riches of Christ to remove our oldness and defects. When all such things have been removed, we will become a church that is holy, glorious, and without blemish. Then we will be the bride in Revelation 19. When the bride has been prepared, Christ will come as the Bridegroom. Praise the Lord that we are in the process of becoming a holy and glorious bride for Christ! How we praise the Lord for showing us the way to be prepared as the bride, made ready for His coming back! Christ will have a church without ordinances, doctrines, the old man, and the spots and wrinkles. Such a church will be the beautiful bride to satisfy the desire of His heart. (Life-study of Ephesians, second edition, pp. 775-776)

    Today’s Reading

    In Ephesians 5 we come to the presentation of the church to Christ. At the time of this presentation, the church will be the bride, not the new man. As the new man, the church needs the functions. But as the bride, the church needs beauty. The growth in chapter 4 is for the function of the new man, whereas the beauty in chapter 5 is for the presentation of the bride.

    The spots and wrinkles do not affect the function of the church. However, they very much detract from the beauty of the church. What a man looks for in a bride is not first ability; it is beauty. The church as Christ’s bride must also be beautiful. For this reason Paul goes on from the function and daily living of the new man in chapter 4 to the presentation of the bride without spot or wrinkle in chapter 5. If we grow in the Lord, eventually our functions as members of the Body will come forth. However, we may function properly and have an excellent daily living according to the spirit of the mind but still not be beautiful in the eyes of the Lord because of our spots and wrinkles. After saying so much about the church in chapters 1 through 4, Paul goes on in chapter 5 to speak about the church as the bride. In this chapter he says nothing concerning the creation of the church, the growth of the church, or the daily living of the church. Instead, he speaks of the beauty of the church. When Christ presents the church to Himself, the church will not be a strong man; she will be a beautiful bride. Christ is the universal man. As this universal man, He needs the church to be His bride to match Him. In order to be the bide of Christ, the church must become beautiful and have all the spots and wrinkles removed.

    We need to go on from the function in Ephesians 4 to the beauty in Ephesians 5…At the time of the wedding, what the church will need is beauty, not strength. Oh, the church is being beautified by partaking of Christ, by digesting Christ, and by assimilating Christ! The more we experience the indwelling Christ in this way, the more He will replace our spots and wrinkles with His element, and the more His riches with the divine attributes will become our beauty. Then we will be prepared to be presented to Christ as His lovely bride. (Life-study of Ephesians, second edition, pp. 776-777, 779)

    Further Reading: Life-study of Ephesians, msg. 95

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