天天過年 ? - 演好〝老賊〞,假戲真作,見好就收,請勿太認真 ? - udn部落格
演好〝老賊〞,假戲真作,見好就收,請勿太認真 ?
作家:摸 象 或 (不?) 著 木目
    天天過年 ?
    2022/09/21 19:42:43
    「人有悲歡離合﹐月有陰晴圓缺﹐此事古難全。」~ 宋‧蘇軾

    「人無千日好﹐花無百日紅。」~ 元.楊文奎 兒女團圓

    個入 如此﹐家﹐國﹐天下 皆然。

    近年來﹐國運簽 屢中衰運。 天災人禍。大環境 不佳﹐升斗小民 分到的﹐自然 凶多吉少。

    Against the Wind - Bob Seger

    無論 集權 或 民主﹐各國 領導 都出了些 妖孽﹐好大喜功﹐目光短淺﹐吃相難看。 例如 普丁侵烏。惜特勒 共識﹐清零。 川普 攻 國會山莊。 呆丸 也 不落人後﹐出了 厚顏無恥﹐抄襲博士。

    這些 妖孽 其實 也都只有 一雙手﹐一張嘴﹐為何能 脱穎而出﹐登上大位? 何以故?

    究其根源﹐以黑箱法觀之 → https://classic-blog.udn.com/pharos01/175544412?raid=9110458#rep9110458  出處  → https://classic-blog.udn.com/mbr8879576/177045478

    國者人之積﹐人者心之器 ← 若 貴 菩薩 不願 配合 上蒼天意﹐演 鄉愿﹐可以「貪瞋痴」自省。 切忌 好大喜功﹐急功近利﹐目光短淺﹐吃相難看。



    Almost Persuaded ~ David Hartley pedal steel guitar


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    下一則: 三伏天 避暑

    迴響(1) :
    1樓. 摸 象 或 (不?) 著 木目
    2022/09/26 23:42
    Henry Mancini

    Let It Be Me -
    Last Date -
    Make The World Go Away -
    Phone Call To The Past -
    Release Me -
    The End Of The World -
    The House Of The Rising Sun -
    Help Me Make It Through The Night -
    I Cant Stop Loving You -
    Love Theme From Romeo And Juliet -
    The Windmills Of Your Mind -
    Theme From Love Story -
    Take Me To Your World -
    Almost Persuaded -
    In The Arms Of Love (Instrumental) -
    Moonlight Sonata -
    The Hills Of Yesterday -
    The Thorn Birds Theme -
    You Dont Know Me -
    Stand By Your Man -
    Summer In Gstaad -
    The Lovely Life -
    The Royal Waltz -
    A Lovers Concerto -
    Theme From The Molly Maguires -
    The Impossible Dream -
    Rock Me To Sleep -
    Aloha Oe -
    Phaedra (Love Theme) -
    Preciosa -
    Siesta -
    Baia -
    Vereda Tropical -
    Timpanola -
    Patricia -
    La Raspa -
    Orange Tamoure -
    Tico Tico -
    Baby Elephant Walk -
    Peter Gunn -
    The Pink Panther Theme -
    Mission Impossible Theme -
    Night Train -
    A Shot In The Dark -
    Arabesque -
    Hang Em High -
    Theme From Z (Life Goes On) -
    A Man A Horse And A Gun -
    Midnight Cowboy -
    The Harmonica Man -

    The 200 Most Beautiful Orchestrated Melodies Of All Time

    00:00:00 - It_s Now or Never
    00:02:11 - The Godfather
    00:04:53 - Love Story
    00:07:58 - Romeo and Juliet
    00:11:03 - On My Own
    00:15:13 - Yesterday
    00:18:02 - And I Love her
    00:20:18 - The Dove
    00:23:00 - Waltz 2 Russian Waltz
    00:26:39 - Killing Me Softly
    00:29:21 - Canon In D
    00:32:12 - Michelle Ma Belle
    00:34:30 - Midnight Cowboy
    00:37:16 - A Meche De Cheveux
    00:39:58 - Story of a love
    00:42:14 - Il Tema Della Fata
    00:45:20 - Once Upon December
    00:48:05 - Sicilian - Violin
    00:50:59 - She_s the one
    00:55:17 - San Francisco
    00:58:15 - La Bohème
    01:01:02 - Les Feuilles Mortes
    01:03:30 - Flow
    01:06:45 - The corn
    01:08:16 - Belle
    01:11:31 - Hayi Acher
    01:15:55 - Son of the Moon - Meccano
    01:19:03 - Tanguisimo
    01:20:23 - Lindsay Deutsch
    01:25:26 - Vocalize
    01:29:19 - Yesterday, Let It Be, Hey Jude.
    01:38:29 - We Shall Dance
    01:40:54 - Imagine
    01:44:17 - Buongiorno Principessa
    01:49:57 - Life 摸 象 或 (不?) 著 木目2022/09/27 08:43回覆