Igor Moiseyev State Academic Ensemble of Popular Dance Concert - HSR123 的部落格 - udn部落格
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    Igor Moiseyev State Academic Ensemble of Popular Dance Concert
    2017/03/20 12:05:45

    Igor Moiseyev State Academic Ensemble of Popular Dance Concert


    Igor Alexandrovich Moiseyev (January 21 [O.S. January 8] 1906 – November 2, 2007) has been widely acclaimed as the greatest 20th-century choreographer of character dance, a dance style similar to folk dance but with more professionalism and theatrics.

    Born in Kiev, the only child of a Russian lawyer and a French-Romanian seamstress. His family lived in Paris until he was 8, and throughout his life he spoke to Western journalists in fluent French. Moiseyev graduated from the Bolshoi Theatre ballet school in 1924 and danced in the theatre until 1939. His first choreography in the Bolshoi was Footballer in 1930 and the last was Spartacus in 1954.

    Moiseyev was named People's Artist of the USSR in 1953, Hero of Socialist Labor in 1976, received the Lenin Prize (1967, for the dance show A Road to the Dance), four Stalin/USSR State Prizes (1942, 1947, 1952, 1985), Russian Federation State Prize (1996), was awarded numerous orders and medals of the Soviet Union, Spain and many other countries. On the day of his centenary, Moiseyev became the first Russian to receive Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 1st class — the highest civilian decoration of the Russian Federation. In 2001, he was awarded the UNESCO Mozart Medal for outstanding contribution to world music culture. He died in Moscow in 2007.


    「Igor Alexandrovich Moiseyev」的圖片搜尋結果https://youtu.be/XzYiQuChDjs?list=RDXzYiQuChDjs

     Igor Alexandrovich Moiseyev (Russian: Игорь Александрович Моисеев; 21 January [O.S. 8 January] 1906 – 2 November 2007) has been widely acclaimed as the greatest 20th-century choreographer of character dance, a dance style similar to folk dance but with more professionalism and theatrics.

    IAM他是俄羅斯民族舞蹈的大師級人物,亦是俄羅斯國寶,其民族舞蹈團,經常世界性的巡迴表演,聽說你們台灣最近興建國際級的演藝廳,歌劇院等公共建築物,但是演出的內容卻是俗不可耐,難道你們台灣人真的沒有國際水準,欣賞或是臨聽交響樂團,芭蕾舞團以及其他具有文化水準的藝文表演? 亦或是人口太少,這些國際級的樂團舞團就不會來訪台灣演出,因為成本及利潤的考量,你們台灣人真的是井底之蛙?

    「Igor Moiseyev State」的圖片搜尋結果







    迴響(3) :
    3樓. hsr
    2017/03/20 12:33
    2樓. hsr
    2017/03/20 12:31
    「igor moiseyev state」的圖片搜尋結果
    相關圖片 hsr2017/03/20 12:31回覆
    1樓. hsr
    2017/03/20 12:29

    Igor Moiseyev State民俗舞蹈團曾經演出中國通俗小說西遊記,孫悟空大戰鬧蜘蛛精的故事題材,獲得好評,只如今你們台灣人要去中國化,那麼西遊記相關的題材故事戲劇,很有可能在日後禁止演出喇? 你們台灣人好像正在進行另類版的台灣式的文化小革命”,台灣人真的是無藥可救.

    蜘蛛精  是《西遊記》第7273回所描寫的七個女妖。唐僧照例充當了故事的引子,被捉取,孫悟空在盤絲洞見到這七個女妖正在洗浴,因有「男不與女鬥」之慮,所以讓豬八戒去打。豬八戒一見美麗的女妖,春心蕩漾,卻被蜘蛛精從肚臍孔冒出的絲繩緊緊縛住。回目稱這是「七情迷本,八戒忘形」,表明了作者的寓意乃在借蜘蛛絲比作「情絲」,豬八戒迷情忘本,所以才自陷「情網」,不能自拔。後來,孫悟空從土地那裡,查明了七個女妖原來是蜘蛛精,後來唐僧師徒將她們殺了。

    「igor moiseyev state」的圖片搜尋結果 hsr2017/03/20 12:30回覆

    「igor moiseyev state」的圖片搜尋結果

    Igor Moiseyev State民俗舞蹈團曾經演出中國通俗小說西遊記,孫悟空大戰鬧蜘蛛精的故事題材,獲得好評,只如今你們台灣人要去中國化,那麼西遊記相關的題材故事戲劇,很有可能在日後禁止演出喇?


    hsr2017/03/20 12:37回覆
