Hotel California 《加州旅館》 - Eagles ★★☆ - GW 的部落格 - udn部落格
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    Hotel California 《加州旅館》 - Eagles ★★☆
    2010/05/12 00:58:32


    加州旅館(Hotel California )是美國老鷹(Eagles)搖滾合唱團在1976年出的第五張專輯中的主打歌。在美國就賣了一千六百萬張,高據美國熱門排行榜的榜首達八週之久,也在1977年奪得葛萊美最佳錄音獎。

    頂尖歌曲的最大特色是能夠跨越時空,仍然保有影響力,繼續被新生代喜愛,加州旅館(Hotel California )這首歌即是一例。不同媒體如VH1在2001年票選它為有史最佳專輯,排名在第38名、第13名,第37名不等。(節譯)Wikipedia 


    加州旅館(Hotel California )指的是比華利山旅館(Beverly Hills Hotel),又被稱為粉紅皇宫(Pink Palace),是好萊塢巨星雲集的場所,旅館位於著名的90210郵遞區號(曾被用作熱門電視影集名稱),勞斯萊斯名車像計程車一樣滿街都是,這裡是全美奢華物慾世界的頂尖代表。

    比華利山所在的加州洛杉磯市,是個充滿機會的大城巿,無數人滿懷希望,爭相來此白手打天下,背後辛酸多不為外人知。老鷹合唱團團員們就居住在這兒,很清楚繁榮表層底下的各種故事,加州旅館(Hotel California )所描述的,就是這種墮入被物慾控制的境界。

    成長過程中,難免心裏渇望被注意,取巧的更借助物質,忙著裝扮堆砌假象,全身上下都是名牌,傲然炫耀自己很有行情。到底能得到什麼回饋?  自我陶醉的虛空,如此而已。

    歌曲創作經過,首先由吉他高手Don Felder創作了吉他和弦進行模式,然後拿去找主唱兼鼓手Don Henley,和木吉他手Glenn Frey填詞,最後交由另一著名吉他高手Joe Walsh(原為James Gang 樂團成員,以Funk #49一曲聞名)負責安排前奏,樂曲細節,以及吉他獨奏、合奏等細節。

    後來離開樂團的Don Felder當時選用的是一把罕見的共體(twin body)Gibson EDS-1275 電吉他(很重,見下圖),上半部是十二弦吉他(頭上兩邊各有六個調弦鈕)而下半部是六弦吉他(頭上兩邊各有三個調弦鈕),造形特殊,功能亦超強,Joe Walsh用的則是正常的六弦電吉他。

    原版由Don Felder用共體電吉他的十二弦吉他,把移調夾(Capo)放在第七琴格(見上圖),彈由Joe Walsh精心安排的著名獨特前奏(0:00 ~ 0:51 / 6:30)。一般分解和弦彈法,是每個和弦都用相同的指法;這首歌的指法卻每個和弦都用不同模式,需要多下功夫練習。

    當鼓手把歌詞唱到一個段落後,Don Felder就用共體電吉他的六弦吉他(4:19 / 6:30),與Joe Walsh(4:46 / 6:30)先後表演吉他獨奏(solo)。兩人再採用相互對答的吉他合奏(5:10 / 6:30) 炫耀高級技巧,最後更一齊彈同音(5:38 / 6:30),把吉他獨奏飆至最高點。造成Hotel California除了前奏著名獨特外,更有由出神入化的雙人吉他獨奏構成的特殊音效。


    推弦(見上圖)是金屬弦吉他(電吉他又較木吉他容易)的常見技巧,用双指(中指及無名指)把上面一條弦(此圖為第二弦)上推 ,增加張力,使原按琴的音升高,到本該是下一或兩個琴格才會有的的音,到與下面另一條弦(此圖為第一弦)同音,兩弦合彈造成同頻震動的共鳴。從開始上推到音準,逐漸到位所以不是一個音符而是一連串,藉由手勁輕重不同而變化多端,電吉他獨奏如泣如訴效果即由此而來。


    Hell Freeze Over專輯中的版本,樂團改用古典吉他, 並不適合原為電吉他(金屬弦)推弦技巧特別寫的吉他獨奏表演,致使原有的激情獨奏施展不開。所以木吉他版的後段吉他獨奏部份不得不大為簡化,這就是為什麼你會覺得 – 雙吉他獨奏重頭戲草草結束。即使刻意另外加了一段好聽的西班牙吉他作開場,意圖截長補短,仍然頭重腳輕,掻不到癢處,原曲威力大減,殊為可惜。

    加州旅館(Hotel California )名列我最喜歡的十大揺滾歌曲之首。

    We are all just prisoners here , of our own device...







    【歌曲】  Eagles – Hotel California (LYRICS)

    【歌曲】 [4K] The Eagles - "Hotel California" Live At the Capital Center (1977)

    【歌曲】Eagles Hotel California Live at 1998 Hall of Fame Induction 360p

    【歌曲】Eagles - Hotel California (guitar cover)

    【歌曲】David Wayne - Hotel California (acoustic guitar) HQ - High Quality Audio

    【歌曲】Hotel California Solo - The Eagles - Acoustic Guitar Cover

    【歌曲】Hotel California Guitar Solo Tabs

    【歌曲】How to play Hotel California (Original Introduction)

    【歌曲】How to play Hotel California - Part 2(Rhythm and Backing Track) - Guitar Lessons


    CAPO 2 

             Am                         E7
    On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair
       G                         D              
    Warm smell of colitas rising up through the air
      F                        C
    Up ahead in the distance, I saw a shimmering light
    My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim
    I had to stop for the night

    Am                                 E7      
    There she stood in the doorway;  I heard the mission bell
    And I was thinking to myself
    This could be heaven or this could be hell
    F                         C
    Then she lit up a candle, and she showed me the way
    There were voices down the corridor,
    I thought I heard them say...


    F                         C
     Welcome to the Hotel California.
    E7                   Am
    Such a lovely place, such a lovely face
    F                                      C
    There's Plenty of room at the Hotel California
         Dm                          E
    Anytime of year,(anytime of year) You can find us here...


    Her mind is Tiffany twisted, She got a mercedes benz
    She got alot of pretty pretty boys that she calls friends
    How they danced in the court yard sweet summer sweat
    Some dance to remember some dance to forget

    So I called up the captain; Please bring me my wine (he said)
    We haven't had that spirit here since 1969
    and still those voice are calling from far away
    Wake you up in the middle of the night
    Just to hear them say

    (CHORUS 2:)

    F                         C
     Welcome to the Hotel California.
    E7                   Am
    Such a lovely place, such a lovely face
    F                                      C
    There's Plenty of room at the Hotel California
         Dm                          E
    What a nice surprise; bring your alibis

    Mirrors on the ceiling; the pink champagne on ice (an she said)
    We are all just prisoners here , of our own device
    and in the master's chambers, They gathered for the feast
    They stab it with their steely knives but they
    just can't kill the beast

    Last thing I remember, I was running for the door
    I had find the passage back to the place I was before
    "Relax" said the night man; we are programmed to receive
    You can check out anytime you like
    But you can never leave... 

    (Guitar Solo until fading…)



    迴響(2) :
    2樓. 濃情~文章“下方”點開播放器聽音樂
    2015/11/03 13:07
    歡迎參加盛宴。 GW2015/11/19 03:03回覆
    1樓. 芸之
    2010/05/12 12:03



    Don Felder 和 Joe Walsh 都是著名吉他獨奏高手,兩人同台切磋武藝,精彩至極。

    GW2010/05/12 12:52回覆