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2012/02/11 01:22:25瀏覽247|回應0|推薦10





下面引一段總統與Apple Jobs的對話、大家來好好的思考一番°

An eye-opening New York Times article last month details how the contract manufacturing jobs that Apple (Nasdaq: AAPL  ) has moved offshore are there to stay.

Barack Obama was having dinner in California with Steve Jobs and other tech luminaries last February. The President asked Jobs what it would take to get Apple to start making its products in the U.S. again.

"Those jobs aren't coming back," Jobs reportedly told the President.

It's not just about the cost, which many people may not realize isn't the main reason why most of your electronics are assembled in Asia. The article goes over the shorter lead times and abundant availability of skilled factory workers there.

Oh, we have skilled labor in America, but how many people here would be willing to live in cramped dorms adjacent to a factory in exchange for meager wages the way that the iPhone assemblers at China's Foxconn do?

Foxconn has its critics, but that didn't stop thousands of young people that were lined up for hours last week in the Chinese city of Zhengzhou in hopes of landing a job at a new factory there. Over here young people only line up that long to buy the gadgetry that their Zhengzhou counterparts will be piecing together.

( 時事評論公共議題 )
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