I bloged my digest and published the following comments:
"In America,If ML failed in submiting copies of guests registration card staying in the motel, DHS would shut down motel operation. The same apply to those big 4 companies Microsoft Google Yahoo and Cisco. Should they dare to refuse taking the order from government in China, they might face consequencies to close down their business. Why you have double standard to judge same things confronting the two different countries? Mr. Smith.
I tried to post my opinion in one of American's blogger's. She is in most part advocating the Human rights and supported FLK 法輪功 religion and above all advocate actions against Chinese government, removed my blogging. I am not pro-Communists but in all fairness do not think it proper to disobey government order. Like former Secretary of States said that demorcracy should start from the bottom not from top by means of war or rebellion to change the system. That bloggers only allowed one voice and does not want to hear adverse opinion which made me very uncomfortable and unhappy.
That is an arrogant American mentality and I do not share with it.