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To: Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
2006/04/16 02:02:49瀏覽727|回應0|推薦0

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger

Dear Mr. Governor, Date 3/14/05

Further to my e-mail to your good office about mismanagement of
Safe Drinking Water State Revolving Fund almost 6 million dollars
a year, I like to strongly demand an investigation be conducted by
your office. The reasons are given as follows:

1. Muir Lodge has had "boiling water" alert since 1990
   I bought this property.I don't know when the revolving fund
   started. As government agency, he knows exactly who need
   the help or assistance in priority.

2. For years the office does not try to do their job to help those
    needed. Instead, DHS hold funding Fair for those special
    interest group to appropriate funding they may not need it.

3. By issuing compliance order 03-11-0040-001 dated 6-8-04
    to Muir Lodge and put pressure To Michael Han to drill a
    new well proves how are government official is handling tax
    money collected.

4. Muir Lodge Motel is a grand father motel. For the past 3 years,
    it could barely make both end meet by roughly $80,000 annual
    gross income. It is a small potato comparing the government
    Official's annual income. Being an official, what he has in mind
    about his job? To help or destroy other people's business?

5. During the one year and half period, Michael repeatedly asked
    the special funding. Mr. Dennis In his conversation always
    gave negative reply. I asked 2 times, that was it because of
    3 following reasons?

A. My business does not make too much profit to qualify
    the special funding.
B. Worrying about my age,( I am senior citizen.)
    I would not be able to pay back the loan.
C. I am a minority.

Of course, he denied. I just want to know the truth.
Should this funding be mismanaged, I am in a strong opinion that
the whole funding must be abolished for the good of California.
We are still in big deficit and how can we afford to waste millions
of dollars?

Your reply and action in this regard would be highly appreciated.

Sincerely Yours,

Michael Han

Muir Lodge Motel


c.c Mr. Carl Carlucci

Chief engineer of DHS

State Capitol Building
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: 916-445-2841
Fax: 916-445-4633

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