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What's up Dr.? by Andy Rooney
2008/03/24 11:01:16瀏覽522|回應0|推薦3
(CBS) The following is a weekly 60 Minutes commentary by CBS News correspondent Andy Rooney.

There was a poll taken among doctors that indicated doctors thought there were too many doctors in The United States.

Well, of course doctors think there are too many doctors. It's like asking real estate salesmen whether they think there are too many real estate salesmen. I'd like to have a poll taken among patients to see if patients think there are too many doctors.

My position is that until every American has his own personal physician in constant attendance to take care of any hangnail that might occur during the day, there are not too many doctors.

We all want the kind of care that a president of the United States gets. If I have a heart attack and start to fall, I want a doctor right there to catch me and start giving me nitro glycerin before I hit the floor.

I don't have a lot of complaints with doctors, though. As a matter of fact, I have a high regard for doctors.

I was skiing years ago at Lake Placid and took a really bad fall. A head-over-heels fall. I had made friends in the lodge with a doctor and we were skiing together when I went down. I didn't have any idea what my new friend's medical specialty was but I knew I had done something serious to my shoulder so when he came up to where I was lying in the snow, I asked him to see if my collar bone was broken. He looked anguished and said "Gosh, Andy. I've been practicing psychiatry for 18 years. I don't know one bone from another."

I have another great friend I grew up with who is a doctor now. We studied together and played football together. Hundreds of times I sat next to him on a locker room bench and watched him tie his shoe laces. Try his shoe laces. He did not know how to tie his shoelaces. His laces always ended up with the loops parallel to the shoe instead of with the bow across. This is a doctor who knows how to do the most sophisticated things with the organs inside a human body but can't tie his shoelaces?

So doctors should not only avoid conversations with ordinary mortals about everyday subjects, they should avoid doing small common jobs in public that might expose an ineptness that their patients might not otherwise observe.

( 時事評論公共議題 )
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